New small power catamaran design/production

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Skanski, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Ok, no offence intended. :p Yeah, I guess you'd be calling yourself "cats" rather than "tunnels" were it otherwise. :D There is nothing new in the OP boat, it is a rehash of 1980's Sharkcat 500 with minor differences. I think you will find the central nacelle needs to be deeper on a cat than a tunnel, though.
  2. Skanski
    Joined: Sep 2012
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    Skanski Junior Member

    Thank you for your feedback guys! This one is not finished design by any level. I was just asking your opinions about central pod as it is common practice nowadays in many production cats, in example Twin Vee cats have. I wasn't asking your opinions about the style because I haven't think styling yet..
    Sorry for confusing you guys.
  3. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    I understand what you saying but trends are just that till the next thing comes along . Get a nice shapped hull form one that performs well and make it better
    Pods are a waste of time and they are ugly .
    As for being a lead into the outboard its a waste of materials added weight and something else to manufacture that really not needed .
    You want to cut costs and use better materials and you will use less .
    Fuel efficency is where you should be headed , the price of running a boat keeps going up each year so do you part and make a eco friendly boat !!!
    The same sized boat ,lighter weight , easyer to push, smaller motor and uses less fuel .:confused:
    Dont follow trends!! set trends and let others follow you !!!.
    if you stay one step ahead they are always playing catch up just to be left behind with another some thing new yet again . :eek:
  4. Skanski
    Joined: Sep 2012
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    Skanski Junior Member

    Thank You! That was kind of feedback which helps me. So I made some improved style hull. Maybe it is too much retro, but at least it has some shape now. Also I took that horrible center pod away. Hull is now approx 6 metres long.

    Attached Files:

  5. Fanie
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    Fanie Fanie

    I've seen a small center hull on a cat made here in SA The cat was 8 - 9m long and the small center hull was close to the bow, rounded and about 1m long. The intention of it was apparently to help prevent side steer when you slide off a wake. Weather it actually works I cannot tell.

    Skanski, there must be around a gazillion cats already, so much so that on some forums the introduction reads "yet another cat".

    There are so many other ideas and directions you can go instead.

    My 2c

  6. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    slide of waves thats what happens with cata not tunnels tunnels never slide !!:confused:
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