New small power catamaran design/production

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Skanski, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Skanski
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    Skanski Junior Member

    Hi all,

    I am new on this forum. I am working with new power cat design. Actually it is anything "new" it is similar as some power cats on the markets already.
    I would like to have some of your opinions with this concept.


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  2. Mr Efficiency
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  3. Skanski
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  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Not sure what shape you are referring to, it is just a little yacht tender, to putter around in with a tiny outboard.
  5. Skanski
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    Skanski Junior Member

    that tiny one
  6. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    First impression its a mess !
    Its not one thing or another!!, take the bits out of the middle of the hulls you have a common cat !!!
    What is the idea with the bit in the middle ?? bouyancy?? and the keels on each hull are to catch the water??? but that will make it a bummer to turn specially at speed !!ok for straight line but have to slow down to make it turn ?? .
    sorry !!!
    I made tunnels for a long time and cant see anything that going to set the market alight !!
    its lost in the crowed !! what is there in its design and looks to make it stand out and catch the eye of a prospective buyer and if he want to take it for a spin then what ?? .Does absolutly nothing for me at all not a thing !!:eek:.
  7. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    The sheer line is to straigh and level put some shape into it ,
    That thing in the middle between the hulls !! whats the idea of that ?? why did you put it there ???
    If you make a prototype and do some testing make that thing completely detachable and see the differance with and without and reduced in size etc etc . the idea is to reduce wetted area not increase it . everything that in the water takes power for the motor/s to push it along . skin friction find ways of reducing skin friction . and get rid of the pod !:confused:
    Like i already said its just another cat in the crowd so when they all sitting at the marina how does one find it amongst the hundreds of others ??
  8. Skanski
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    Skanski Junior Member

  9. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Procede with caution...many makers have either gone out of business or are teetering on the edge.
  10. Skanski
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    Skanski Junior Member

    Thank you for your advice. I think some cat manufacturers are still going strong, those bigger ones ofcourse..
  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    The OP has changed the pic in his first post, so the "thing" down the "guts" Tunnels was horrified by is no longer seen. Obviously (to me) it was a fairing to hide the single outboard behind. This idea works OK if it is running deep enough. It isn't "clean" in terms of reducing wetted hull area, but the single rig has less fuel usage than twins, without the central pod. I'd be surprised if this boat had performance advantages that the comparable 20-odd year old boat I provided a link to earlier, did not.
  12. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    The thing to hide the motor behind does not have to be that big and a smaller fairinng just less than a meter long is more advantage than extending all the way from the bow think a little you need to eliminate wetted surface not increase it . A single motor on the back of a tunnel boat works really well and we just fitted a small piece of glass to deflect the water down and away to the side , like im talking the size of a hand thats all it took
    the keel detail is all the wrong way and is inhibiting the turning not encouraging it at all !! Think a little people !!
    The shear line being a flat straight line as a detail line and will make it look like a shoe box .
    Looks are really important in this day and age ,doesnt mater what you think !! its what other people want that drives things these days. and colour !!
    Laught as much as you want women have colour more sense in there little finger than any man has in his whole body . Look around you !!,look in a cloths shop for men its drab and dead looking and not exciting at all !!,then look in any womens ware shops theres colour! Its coordinated! has style! and fashion! . like it or not most men are colour blind to various degrees .
    And if the man wats to buy a boat and the women doesent like it he dosent get it !! so who really is the boss ?? or havent you caught on yet !!:eek:
  13. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Yeah, well, the OP can explain the extravagant pod/wavebreaker/fairing thing, but he seems to be a man of few words, unlike yourself, Tunnels. :D
  14. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Centre console !! a box shape ?? come on guys where you imagination . go have a look at some of the concept designs that are here on Boatdesign borrow some inspiration . the shear with just a 45 cut off at the back !! i aske you ?? the boat need room inside get the motor outside it adds nearly 500 to 600 mm of space inside !! its a single motor!! what about a Boarding platform !! give the motor step back!!! add one meter to the boat and make it 6 metres long !!!people will love you for it . i used to make a 5.1 meter tunnel and it was just that much to short but as soon as it was stretched to 6 meters it was a go and that sales of boats went up straight away as soon as it hit the floor Its a better sea boat will carry weight better !! everyone stands in the back when they fishing ! so ballance it as well . without that horrible thing in the middle of the hulls its a excilent way to carry the boat on the trailer!!! down the tunnel ! with a good stubbing block at the front we always drove the boats straight up onto the trailer all the way up and with a small wheel each side to guide the tunnel at the begining it was possible to come at a 45degree angle to the trailer and it would align its self very quickly and a touch of the throttle and it just ran all the way up to the block !! !!been there done that !!. for launching and retreival into rivers was just like a jet boat and in rough water could get some one to back the trailer down the ramp !drive the boat straight on and loop the tie rope and be gone back up the ramp before the next wave came !! . its called thinking !!:eek:

  15. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    You dont have to read it if you dont want to . just that wee boat is very simular to the tunnel i used to make and all the ideas that we put into it . I personally am not a cat person at all !! tunnels yes but cats no !:confused:
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