New silicone wiper blade refills

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by sdowney717, Sep 28, 2021.

  1. sdowney717
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Couple years ago, bought Anco 31-14 wiper blades which use rubber wipers.
    This model the 31 series, has a 5 mm adapter that fits the typical marine wiper arm, dont know how many others do, some have 7mm only, but the 31 series also does 7mm.
    They stay on great and are not too expensive for the boat.
    When they wear out, you can rebuild the blade with cheap new silicone blade refills, I bought the 28 inch length which cuts in half, so one purchase can do 4, 14 inch long refills.
    Easiest way is pinch the SS rod with pliars where hook is on the end and slide out the bad rubber.
    Then slide the new rubber into place, being sure the arms catch both sides of the rubber so the groove for the SS rods is centered in the arms.
    Then slide the old SS rods back in along the rubber refill groove
    Reclip into the end, done.
    product links
    wipers that work on a marine wiper arm with 5mm adapter included ANCO 31-14 Wiper Blade : Automotive
    6mm wide silicone refills take a couple weeks to arrive, and is only $1.40, good for 4 refills
    1 x Pair Universal 28" Car Bus Silicone Frameless Windshield Wiper Blade Refills | eBay

    pics of renewed wiper blades. Rebuilt for under $2.
    I found it depressing the price they want for SS marine wiper blades, these have not rusted or failed at all yet, and were on the boat 3 years before I rebuilt them.
    The 5mm metal arm is a very old automotive standard going back many decades. The picture shows that SS with the adjustable angle which is part of the original marine wiper arm inserted into the ANCO blade using their 5mm adapter.

    The refills are 6 mm wide, some car blades use 7 or 8 mm.
  2. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Those automotive type wiper arms last about a week in salt water!
    They rust out long before the blades can wear out.
    Automotive wiper blades are on sale for $7 at Costco, I’m stocking up for all my vehicles.
  3. sdowney717
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    And you know this because...what.
    My boat is in salt water its whole life.
    These blades have been on the boat about 3 years, do they look rusted to you?
    Being a big boat, I dont often get ocean water slapping up on the windows.

    Go back and reread the last few sentences of my first post where I said they have not rusted at all.
    Does anyone bother to read what someone puts in a post??
    Maybe some other brands rusted, these ones have not rusted.
    Maybe the powder coat on them is holding up better than paint used on a different brand.
    These are ANCO 31 series blades. I dont know why I bother really posting here.

  4. sdowney717
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Here is my purchase from 2016, they went on the boat about that time, so then longer than 3 years
    wiper evidence.PNG

    I do have 1 photo from 2018 showing them on the boat, note the date. Boat is here on Chisman creek off the Chesapeake bay. We get plenty of barnacles too as it is salt water.

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