New Shannon Motorsailer

Discussion in 'Motorsailers' started by JohnTT, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. JohnTT
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    JohnTT Junior Member

    The new Shannon motorsailer was at Annapolis. Did anyone else wait through the line to get on board? At first I thought it was the boat they were building for Bob Bitchin of Lattitudes and Attitudes but evidently that is a different design and still building.

    It strikes me as a really interesting and original design. More of a sailboat design than most motorsailers including the new Nordhavn (which wasn't at the show?). Certainly not traditional although there are clear William Hand influences (Shannon founder Walter Schulz writes about his interest in Hand's design on their web site).

    It's ketch rigged with an ICW mast height . Also shoal draft - 4' 10" with retractable leeboards.

    If I understood them correctly, there are already two more in build. They said a lot of interest was coming from was aging cruising sailors who wanted an alternative to a trawler.

    I hope they have success. While there are still a good number of custom builders, Shannon and Morris may be the only remaining production New England sailboat builders. Hinckley didn't have a sailboat at Annapolis...maybe the first time in 30 years.


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  2. Tad
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Tad Boat Designer

    I like the deckhouse, I don't like the outside control stations, too high and exposed. The rig is far too complex and expensive for the useful sail area. I don't believe 52,000 pounds fully loaded for long term live aboard. Only 180 gals of water leaves one dependent on the generator/watermaker. There seems to be little in the way of storage and putting a real dinghy up on the roof will be horrible to do and to look at.

    Original design?? I would say the boat is a combination of factors that have been around (and known) for a long time. A long waterline and wide beam creates a roomy interior. Shallow draft is highly desirable both for cruising and for living aboard. The daggerboards are a useful addition.

    A few years back, before we bought our present boat/home, I drew dozens of possible solutions to our boat/home need. One of them is roughed out below. Called the Nomad58, she is 55' on the waterline, with 17' beam and less than 3' fixed draft. She has a partially stayed schooner rig, twin daggerboards and lifting rudders. The large deckhouse and great cabin aft under a flush bridgedeck are key features. She also has the cockpit aft with transom door. Construction was to be multiple layer plywood backbone, sheathed strip hull and plywood bulkheads and deck/house. Ballast would be a big lead pancake bolted on outside.

    Beam on our boat Blackfish is 14', the aft great cabin is HUGE, one 3' wider will be a cavern!

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