new semidisplacement/low planing speed boat project

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Guido, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. Guido
    Joined: Oct 2011
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    Guido Junior Member

    Dear forum users,
    I'd appreciate very much your opinion on a new semidisplacement/low planing speed boat project.
    I'd be very grateful in you could spend few seconds in filling in the questionnaire I prepared at following link:

    As soon as the poll will be finished, I'll share with you the main overall results.
    Thanks for your collaboration.

    P.S. Sorry if in the questionnaire you'll find some italian words, it's a limit of Google tool I've used to prepare the poll.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2012
  2. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    I think that there are some seriously conflicting elements in the SOR. Speed. fuel consumption, total displacement, accommodations, etc.
  3. Guido
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    Guido Junior Member

    I'm looking for a custom built/smart boat just to satisfy some conflicting/difficult requirements.
    If I've exceeded in something, please remark it in the poll. I'd appreciate very much your opinion.
  4. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    How many here received his personal IM identifying them as an industry "expert", and asking for their participation in the questionnaire? Just curious as to the number of members identified as such.

    I admit to not looking at the questionnaire, but isn't this the same poster interested in the "monomaran" ridiculousness? I'm not sure of the reasons behind the request, but could it be an attempt to bulk out an SOR on a spec project?

    Just asking . . .
  5. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    It looks to me like Guido would like to start a business of boatbuilding and is trying to identify the market tendencies through the poll. I am not sure this forum is the best place for that scope, because I got a feeling that people at have a bit different (more pragmatic, less stylish, more seagoing, less marina-living) approach towards boats and boating than the general boating community - especially in the Med.

    Anyways, good luck.
  6. Guido
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    Guido Junior Member

    I sent private message to 15 users.
    Yes, I'm the same poster of monomaran ridiculousness (I'm sorry, I'm not a boat designer).
    I love sea and boats, I've started as sailorman and now I'm a power boat owner (Portofino 10 fly). I would like to have a bigger boat but it should be not too expensive to buy, at moorings and to cruise. Till now I didn't find yet a boat on the market that satisfy my (maybe unattainable) requirements.
    Based on that, if I ever will have a custom built boat with a new/smart/attractive solution, I will not leave out the possibility to start a business on it (but this is a secondary/ further/ more complicated objective)
  7. Guido
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    Guido Junior Member

    look at my reply to Par's post.
    I know that have a bit different approach, but I like it and I'm looking to merge this approach to a stylish boat, taking in large account its overall costs.
    Were you able to reach the poll link I put on the new thread?
  8. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    The search for a design is a very personal and owner specific thing. For the most part, production craft will try to address as wide an audience as practical. If these aren't to your liking, then it might be helpful to identify why or what requirements seem to be missing. It could be as simple as a retro fit or a semi custom build. It may be necessary to consult a professional or possably work with a broker. The selection process can be painful for some, but I've repeatedly found those most suited with their selections have spent consider time and effort finding out what they want, like and comparing this to what their budget can tolerate.

  9. Guido
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    Guido Junior Member

    So far very few user has filled in my web questionnaire (look at my first post).
    Any problem in doing it? Too much complex questions? Spamming afraid? No time (it requires just few seconds/ minute)? Or what else?
    I appreciate very much any comment from you.
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