New propulsion sytems for ships

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by Guillermo, Dec 2, 2005.

  1. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

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    D'ARTOIS Senior Member

    Has it been tried at 60 knots of wind? I am very sceptical of anthing that is mounted on the bow and has to propulse the ship. For barges, moving in relative quite waters it might work, even good, bot not at full and open sea.

    Why not?

    The movements of the bow might be that fierce that they will intercept the jetstream that is pumped out and destroy the order.

    Just an idea.

    To be honest, it needs a close study to evaluate the system in real time, but that is not up to me to do so.
  3. kjell
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    kjell Senior Member

    This is one new marine propulsion system. Flapping wings make the horizontal thrust.

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  4. Vega
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    Vega Senior Member

    That´s a good one. If they flap them really fast, probably, they can fly:D
  5. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

  6. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    I must admit that I'm rather leery of a lot of radically different ideas. I'll treat them fairly, for sure, and give them due consideration- but it often seems that not all factors are being considered. What impact might we create on the oceans if we start squirting jets of synthetic oils out of our hulls- all that lubricant is going to end up in the water, so what will it do there? There's other projects, like "Ecoship", that appear to promise so much- but what is "Ecoship" other than a conventional ship with a tweaked diesel-electric powerplant? Yes, it's an improvement over the current generation- but it is by no means revolutionary thinking. We would all be better served if the marketing types were to be a bit more honest with sensational claims, and if engineers were left to do their job without having to cater to spur-of-the-moment marketing.
  7. wet-foot
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    wet-foot Senior Member

    eco ships

    perhaps the ultimate answer is to have China ship workers world wide so all goods can be manufactured at point of need!!!!!!! this would require no shipping.
    no ship is a green ship yes?
  8. Ari
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    Ari Patience s/o Genius

    D'ARTOIS, how high is the temperature after the heater? Very keen to try what you had experienced.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2006
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    D'ARTOIS Senior Member

    I owe you that one, give me some time and I will draw a schedule for you. I guess the temp shall be around 60-70 degs Celsius after the heating element.
  10. Ari
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    Ari Patience s/o Genius

    Thank you D'ARTOIS. I 'am more familiar with fired boiler/waste heat boiler that use heavy fuel oil or asphalt burning system. I would like to apply eco diesel concept that you had experienced with your tractors back in Holland at a place name Enok in Indonesia.The alternative oil that they have there(coconut oil) is a lot cheaper than Diesel.Nearly every household can make coconut's so easy..and the fuel for this 'refining' purpose is is open burning of coconut husk and shell..quite smoky..
  11. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    Outstanding new propulsion system!:D

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    Last edited: Feb 19, 2006
  12. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    Anybody knows something else about this new hull design & propulsion system?
    They claim a 90% efficiency! (?)

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  13. JonathanCole
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    JonathanCole imagineer

    This appears to be a planing catamaran with stubby hulls with variable pitch turbine blades directly in the water. By having a large blade surface it can turn relatively slowly avoiding cavitation problems. With variable pitch props you can increase efficiency since once the boat is planing it takes relatively small power and pitch approaching parallel to the direction of movement to keep it at speed. The hull/turbine protrusions are like stubby cat hulls. But God help you if one of the turbines becomes disabled when planing!
  14. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    I like your interpretation. I'm not sure about what efficiency they talk when stating a 90% one. Let's wait further developments and info from these people...

    Another innovative propulsion system, more close to reality:

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  15. safewalrus
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    safewalrus Ancient Marriner

    seems to me Kjell has this forum to rights - now that is exceptional! I want one - goes with some of the other featherbrained ideas you get here at times!;)
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