New Proa, Shunting is a mentality....

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by rael dobkins, Feb 15, 2023.

  1. rael dobkins
    Joined: Jul 2015
    Posts: 182
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    Location: Bulgaria

    rael dobkins Dreams come True, But only to Dreamers...

    A Decade of shunting and our 4th Proa almost done...
    Sailing, New Boat, and how we TIE it all UP.


    Keep Shunting, Balkan Shipyards

  2. skaraborgcraft
    Joined: Dec 2020
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Like the wedges for tension. Poor old Boyka gonna need uprated springs.
  3. rael dobkins
    Joined: Jul 2015
    Posts: 182
    Likes: 79, Points: 28, Legacy Rep: 16
    Location: Bulgaria

    rael dobkins Dreams come True, But only to Dreamers...

    Boyco is going to be 40, so he's probably going to retire this year....
    Yea, wedges work great! We got many happy miles with them.

    Keep Shunting, BSY
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