new member with Mod-VP tunel hull questions

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by DSR, Mar 9, 2017.

  1. DSR
    Joined: Mar 2017
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    DSR Junior Member

    Hi there

    New to the forum and had a question that I was hoping to get some insight on from the vast fount of knowledge and experience here :)

    I'm getting ready to build a small plywood on frame outboard runabout with a low-deadrise warped bottom design. I will be converting the design to inboard jet drive utilizing the powertrain from a 2004 Honda R12X PWC - 12' 6" hull length with a 5' beam and I will be adding a drive extension box to the transom to move the jet pump assembly back about 18" aft of the transom.
    I recently started to seriously think about modifying the design into a Mod-VP style tunnel hull with center pod (similar to the Southwind Tunnel Dragster or Placecraft hulls that were popular in jet drag boat racing circles, which were the models that I have drawn from for this project)
    I have a pretty good idea on how to incorporate the tunnels into the build but I haven't been able to glean much info pertaining to appropriate dimensions of the tunnels such as width, depth, angles, etc....

    If anyone has any resources or experience that might help me with this issue that would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thank you in advance :)
  2. Jimboat
    Joined: Feb 2002
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    Jimboat Senior Member

    Dave - sounds like a great project. Give me a call some time if you want to discuss. Check out
  3. DSR
    Joined: Mar 2017
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    DSR Junior Member

    Hi Jim, thanks for taking an interest in my little bit of insanity :D

    It's funny, but I actually found your Aero Marine Research website right after I posted my question and it looks like the wealth of information that you've made available has exactly what I need to get this project rollin.
    I really appreciate your offer to take the time and help me with my project Jim. Is there any particular days and times that would be better to contact you? or which materials that you have available that you can suggest to get me started?

    Thanks again!!
  4. Jimboat
    Joined: Feb 2002
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    Jimboat Senior Member

    Dave - call any time, usually best in mornings. Happy to talk. If we miss each other, drop me an email ( or PM me.
    Also you can check out articles on tunnel design here, and book on 'Tunnel Boat Design' here.

  5. DSR
    Joined: Mar 2017
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    DSR Junior Member

    Hi everyone.
    I haven't had much of a chance to post in a while but I had another question regarding my project if anyone can help.

    With a lot of help from Jim Russell over at Aeromarine Research (thanks again Jim!!!), I'm in the process of finalizing the design after lofting it to scale on paper and rendered it in Freeship with good success.

    I was planning on lofting it full size (which wouldn't be difficult with it being 13' long) but I'm wondering now if there would be any advantages, or if it would be an unnecessary redundancy? Thoughts?

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