New Jib Design Idea

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by BestManJoyride, Dec 30, 2024.

  1. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Let's get back to the thread about a jib idea. CarlosK2 you can start a thread on beaches.

    A bipod rig has been tried and is not the most efficient for sailing. It may have some other appeal or particular uses though. However, as far as influence on the jib, it may be no difference.
  2. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    (Margaret Dye)
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Please stop hijacking threads. Start your own about beaches.
  4. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Redefining Cruising

    I think the small one-man workboats, Itchen Ferry and Falmouth Qay Punt, and the minimalist Dinghy Cruising are the good roots and good sources of inspiration, and not the Victorian yacht whose smallest (ca. 1890) carried 6 crew

    A small, comfortable and safe sports machine, an efficient "mountain bike" (But not the Yrvind sarcophagus for a Fakir) can serve the more adventurous to go to the Azores, Cape Verde or the Hebrides in Scotland or go to the Caribbean, and for the less adventurous it would be a magnificent coastal sailing boat
  5. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Right now (2025) this industry promotes the sailboat to planing

    I am not interested in planing, I am not interested in speed on flat terrain, what interests me is comfort and functional pleasure

    the functional pleasure of a comfortable, versatile and efficient Rig

    the functional pleasure of a sailboat capable of 5 knots beating 25-30 knots of wind Upwind

    the functional pleasure of a good surfboard that with correct Longitudinal Balance (LCG > LCB > LCF) astronomical Longitudinal metacentric height (3 x LWL) and magnificent control of Yaw can sail at 10-14-16-18 knots propulse by the Waves that are sons and daughters of the Wind and the powerful Force of the Earth

    "Surf gliding is Surf riding in bigger Waves"
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That's fine. Start your own thread. Hijacking other member's thread is rude and inconsiderate.
  7. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    "propulse" (?)



    Yes, propelled, driven


    "The turbines propel (or: drive) the plane"
  8. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    "The ease with which the classic models surfed and the control [of Surf] was a big surprise


    Modern designs suffer because the wave that hits them lifts the stern and sinks the bow thus creating a big Yaw moment of of the Hull"

    (Andrew Claughton, Southampton, Wave Tank)

    Funny how old heavy 300 D/L sailboats Surf wonderfully

    Time and again both with Wave Tank models and in the real world it is empirically proven that Old Heavy Classics surf wonderfully

    For planing the right thing is 100 D/L (and 30-40 sqm per Ton) and at least 150 D/L and 30-40 sqm per Ton

    But for Surfing the question is

    (1) control of Pitch
    (2) control of Yaw, and
    (3) good Hull Attitude for Surfing: stern down; bow up
  9. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Surfing is the way

    For crossing an Ocean with a big or small, heavy or light, sail or motor boat ...

    Surfing is the way

  10. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Are you still around? Send me a message.

  11. CT249
    Joined: May 2003
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    CT249 Senior Member

    I'm curious. You have already seen real photos proving that this bizarre claim is utterly wrong. The simple undeniable reality of history is that there were singlehanders, doublehanders and triple-handed boats in Victorian times.

    Below are Victorian yachts c 1890, with one, two or three crew.



    The William Fife (III) designed Dublin Bay Cutter, Vagrant. Vagrant was acquired by the Scottish Maritime Museum in 1985 and is scheduled to undergo restoration in 2011/2012.

    The bottom pic, from WP Stephens, is repeated in the wonderful Earwegoagin blog along with plans of other small and singlehanded cruisers from the Victorian age.

    Your statement is completely untrue, full proof has been given to you, and any further repeat of the claim would be nothing but a bald-faced, unashamed Goebbels-like lie of the sort any human should be ashamed to make.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
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