New Jib Design Idea

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by BestManJoyride, Dec 30, 2024.

  1. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    There are European retirees who, as soon as they arrive in the Canary Islands, throw in the towel, tired of the mess that Pitch, Yaw and Roll create

    This is a reality, and it is completely logical because in the manual that expresses the consensus of this industry after 5 editions, there is still no Ocean Wave

    Then you cross the Atlantic with the wind right on your stern, something that not even the sloops of the 19th century did

    And then in the Caribbean you are the janitor
  2. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    and along the coast... the same or worse, how many dinosaurs are capable of going against 25 knots of wind on a cape... and the same Downwind: they don't have enough sail

    and I assure you, even if you don't believe it, that I have seen hotels along the coast and it is not essential to carry the house on your back like a snail and never better said

    and the solution is not the "French omelette"

    Yrvind has the right metaphor: the mountain bike, yes, a sports machine, agreed; but not a sarcophagus for a fakir
  3. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    This is how I see it

    The standard cruiser is not a sailboat, it is a mediocre motor sailer

    And the planing french omelette, to start with, I don't want planing with a giant gennaker, I'm not interested in speed on flat ground

    and the small french omelette is crazy at a certain age, and the big french omelette is also crazy because for 300 K Euros they don't even give you a fuxxx comfortable place to sit in the cockpit, and the habitability is the same as the small omelette: a tent for camping
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That sounds like Johnny Cash's "One piece at a time".
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is interesting, an omelette with a cockpit. What in the world are you talking about?

    Is this brought to the cockpit by the steward?
  6. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    By reconciling the position of the centre of Buoyancy with the position of the centre of Flotation

    Center of Flotation

    we are not only doing things well as Poseidon, god of the sea, commands, but also for behaving well we are rewarded: the mast can be centred and is within reach of the sailor's hands and on top of that another gift: mainsheet, boom vang and preventer, 3 in one, on a large rail

    the old sailor smiles

    it is of great beauty because it combines the hydroDynamics suitable for surfing with comfort, functionality and safety

    the old sailor smiles

    and upwind power thanks to carrying 200 litres of sea water on the windward side, ballast tanks that with a simple plug drain into the cockpit floor

    the old sailor smiles
  7. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It is made with eggs.
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is an understatement
    ropf likes this.
  10. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    "Base length factor"

    "The size of the yacht is the single most important parameter when assesing Safety at sea"

    "LBS = (L_hull + 2 LWL)/ 3"
  11. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    This industry is pure Comedy
  12. CarlosK2
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    The ease with which the omelette is turned over is not solved by making the omelette bigger
  13. CarlosK2
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    In the last century a Laurin Koster 41 crossed the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean in 16 days (!)
  14. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    The triumph of the catamaran is obvious: modern Dinosaurs (1970-) have not brought any improvement to navigation, but just the opposite because a lot of them are a complete hydrodynamic disaster

    Aaah, and if you don't like the insufferable modern Dinosaurs then we have ...

    the "French omelette"


  15. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    In this photograph we see Jean Pierre Huglo in the middle of the Atlantic where he miraculously survived

    Well, I really like the "French omelette", I like sailboats like that since I sailed on several MiniTransats

    But I think that some improvements can and should be made to make the "French omelette" much safer and much more comfortable
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