New Jib Design Idea

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by BestManJoyride, Dec 30, 2024.

  1. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Maybe a sailmaker in touch with his feeling would be able to make you a perfect sail. However, this is another of your ridiculous statements. It is typical of people with no experience but lots of arrogance.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It is not a problem. It is racing. We would be ecstatic if a tenth of a knot of extra speed could be achieved. One hundreth is more than enough to win a race.
  3. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    Plywood Epoxy MiniTransat

    Cruiser Version for an old fogey or a young adventurer

    completely orthodox and traditional, and functional as a work boat from 1860


    the mast is 50 cm from the cockpit, a small detail but of enormous importance, I remember the story of a kid who fell from the bow of a MiniTransat and was left hanging by the harness while the bow of the fast sailboat tried to drown him

    StaySail with boom without up and down movement allows what they now call "3D trim": twist, camber and angle of attack Upwind: 7-10-14-20

    and allows large angles, 30-45, for Downwind and

    allows installing a reef to reduce the size of the sail and turn it into a sail for surfing in a big storm if that were the inevitable case or sought by a young and adventurous athlete

    and bowsprit, a carbon fiber tube taken from the mast of a windsurf board, that turns towards the stern to enter a port and to reach the hands of the sailor

    completely orthodox and traditional, and functional as a work boat from 1860
  4. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    NS 14 heigh: 5.5 m
    PEMfaOFoaYA: 8.8 m
  5. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Mode "old fogey"

    1.05 Tons
    137 D/L
    28 sqm per Ton

    Mode "young adventurer"

    1.25 Tons
    164 D/L
    24 sqm per Ton

    Considering that the bowsprit turns towards the stern reaching the hands of the sailor, the young adventurer with total comfort and safety from the cockpit could hoist a 30 square meter Jib/gennaker and thus the machine would be propelled by

    40 sqm per Ton
  6. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    By comparison

    The typical Dinosaur Downwind is left with about 7 square meters of effective Sail per Ton because it is impossible to orient the genoa well, and placing a sail on each side only achieves 10 square meters per Ton and invites Roll to create a very ugly and quite uncomfortable ride

    On the other hand, the light sailboats 110-120 D/L and >300 thousand Euros now in fashion among the wealthy need to hoist a colossal Spinnaker of 140 square meters to reach 30 square meters per Ton

    And then you need a crew and a cook like in the time of Queen Victoria
  7. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

  8. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    I remember when one of the volunteer and ill-tempered watchmen of this forum said something like - where is that data

    then I realized the strange idea these guys have about interaction in an free space

    - you want "data", well, give me something, give me money or give me affection or give me a good idea to design a comfortable, efficient and safe sailboat - since you don't give me anything, nothing, why should I give you something, so I give myself over to the solitary vice of soliloquy
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I can give you sarcasm.
    CT249 likes this.
  10. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    It is utterly incorrect to claim that others here have "strange ideas about interaction in a free space". This forum is specifically about DISCUSSION. A discussion is an discussion or debate - not a place for soliloquy.

    It is utterly incorrect to call others "ill tempered" - we merely object to the foul insults and untruths you throw around. That is being principled, not ill tempered.

    Yes, you do engage in a "solitary vice" with your self-praise....
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2025
  11. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    The small boat will sail at 5-6-7-8 knots of speed

    A slow sailboat seen from the now fashionable >300 K Euro planing sailboats with gigantic spinnakers

    but the 10 knot Wave will take the small boat at 10 knots, the 14 knot Wave will propel it at 14 knots, the 18 knot Wave will propel it at 18 knots, and the 20 knot Wave will take the small boat and magic carpet at 20 knots with total control of Pitch and Yaw and complete harmony with the Ocean Waves

    "Surf gliding is Surf riding in bigger Waves"
  12. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    The Keel "reculé" (set back) is completely logical in a modern Sloop

    Rogers Yacht Design : Rogers Yacht Design :

    "this feature is paramount for fast downwind sailing in big seas"

    E x a c t l y

    Because in a modern Sloop with LCF around 57% LWL the Keel "reculé" (set back) is simply in the Center
  13. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    (note the Bowsprit)

    When I went bankrupt and stopped sailing in Dinosaurs I discovered the MiniTransat: a large dinghy and a very good sailboat

    But they are uncomfortable or very uncomfortable

    From my point of view it is possible to design a type MiniTransat, much more comfortable and safer, and it would be an ideal small sailboat, both for the coastal cruise of an old sailor and for ocean adventures
  14. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    I don't know if you have sailed much on modern Dinosaur sailboats (1970-) that is to say I don't know if you understand the laments of 'the poor millionaire': "at home I lived like a king and here in the Caribbean I am the "Hausmeister" (janitor)" a retired German doctor told me

    and Downwind on a Dinosaur you have no sails, or the nonsense of inviting Roll sailing with the wind at the stern

    and on light planing sailboats they offer you a "French omelette"

    I mean that a little good will and knowledge is enough to understand the real problem that I want to solve

  15. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    But you give no one else goodwill - instead you lie and throw abuse, sneers and insults at people with far more knowledge than you have, such as Ron Holland. It is therefore hypocritical of you to ask for good will and knowledge.

    I feel sorry for the people who may have trusted you and lost their money when you went bankrupt.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
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