New Jib Design Idea

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by BestManJoyride, Dec 30, 2024.

  1. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I will work, just not as well as better designs.
  2. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    If we look at Fabio Fossati's measurement chart we can suspect that the mast produces lift as Mikko Brummer pointed out in this forum

    so in this question we have three things

    a) that the mast is a hindrance is an old idea and an old obsession based on old experiments with very thick masts

    b) the mainsail and the jib form 1 wing, or if you prefer: the jib works on the upwash of the mainsail

    c) and on top of that the mast behaves quite well compared to a sharp or cutting leading edge as seen in Fabio Fossati's measurements
  3. CarlosK2
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  4. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    The "Atrocia" disaster

    - the mast is a problem, and the mainsail has very little forward force: most of the forward force is in the foresail

    - yes, buuuut because the mainsail works silently for the foresail: it is 1 wing built with 2 pieces: the forward force is from the wing, it does not belong to the foresail which works in the "upwash" of the aftsail
  5. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Are you claiming millionaires spend a fortune trying to recreate an Optimist without success?
  7. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    That's the rig many of us have been using since the 1980s. The fact that you apparently consider it novel shows how little you know, and therefore how absurd your many insults are.

    You are, of course, utterly incorrect when you say "beyond 1 ton it is a mess to enjoy a magnificent rig". The rig above works superbly in bigger boats where lower sheet loads are important and where the assy works very well due to the higher apparent rig.

    It is absurd to say that "millionaires spend a fortune trying to have and recreate a child's or young person's sailboat" and that claim merely shows your utter lack of understanding.
    gonzo likes this.
  8. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    For multiple 2 element wing configuration there can be used free-standing (unstayed) masts and flexible wingsails, for example 4 masts used as two 2 element wings with the masts acting as a hinge


    This can be done self tacking

    Also an aerorig type sail can have the front jib or flexible wingsails acting as hinge multi element

    Otherwise there's also all freestanding mast rotating by the front like here with mladen milidragovic

  9. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Milidragovic is yet another example of a guy who came on with an old idea, lied and abused people who actually created rigs that work, and ran scared from actually proving his claims. He said his Laser was faster than stock ones but conveniently didn't ever turn up to an open regatta where he could have sailed against stock Lasers and proven his claim. He turned up to Sailing Anarchy and threw insults at the America's Cup and C Class wingsail designers, calling them followers of a "sick brainchild" concept "limited by 2D thinking, lacking imagination and inventiveness". He lied about wingsails being "protected by vested interests, national pride, stubbornness, closed mindedness, vanity."

    It was an utterly stupid and dishonest attack on people who have actually done stuff that works.
  10. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I think the truth of better design is shown in development classes. They all tend to end with some features that are not the best all around, like for cruising. However, they do compare particular areas of design. For example, the genoas of IOR that went from the bow to mast top to the stern, used the fact that overlap was not penalized. That developed into the most possible sail area within a measured system. On the opposite side are classes with maximum sail area. Old meter classes were skinny, long, with large overhangs. However, even those extremes lead to improvements in technology that transfer among designs.
  11. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    Also there's multi element wings on airplanes to reduce stall, and this could be used for close hauling sailing, the aim of these designs is using downwash as an advantage rather a common problem in multi mast setups

    This could work in a sailboat with multiple light free-standing masts that can move around a mast traveler so the position between all masts can be tweaked and could also self-tack


    This is similar to sail twist (also used in aircrafts) where you can depower and stall the sail tip (which also reduces drag) while in aircraft is used for the opposite reason and the wing tip is the last part to stall

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  12. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    A large/big MainSail, with full battens up forced by the leech

    The power/Force is controlled with a rope: depowering could not be simpler because by letting out the main sheet a little

    (1) Twist increases
    (2) Angle of Attack decrease
    (3) the sail Flattens

    the Force is

    (A) reduced and
    (B) its height is lowered

    and vice versa

    It is of enormous functional beauty

    and the sheet goes on a carriage that runs on a very long track from side to side of the sailboat in such a way that it is

    (1) mainsheet
    (2) boom vang and
    (3) preventer at the same time,

    3 in 1

    A Fractional rig with the mast centered in the middle of the waterline (1/2 LWL)

    pure rationality
  13. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    Quarter ellipse sails have low drag and have been ignored
  14. CarlosK2
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  15. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Up to 1 Ton Displacement you can maintain this 'family resemblance' of an efficient and versatile Fractional rig of a small boat that is a delight of functionality

    From 2-3 Tons the matter becomes complicated or costs a fortune (or makes you fat and produces cholesterol) or is uncomfortable or you need crew or the boom breaks a couple of heads
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