New Design, Nano electrical inflatable Catamaran

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Thunders, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Thunders
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    Thunders Junior Member

    Hi Everyone,
    I study the powered jet surfboard in the internet and the real products.
    It is gas power, heavy, and not portable. So why not let every thing change and post a totally new design conception which is my design.

    One day, when I am watching the show of a catamaran sail boat. I just think what will happen if the boat is smaller enough to the size of a surfboard, and be powered by Li-ion Battery.

    So the conception design is formed in the Sketchup as following pictures.

    Any idea bout it please post me.

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  2. Thunders
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    Thunders Junior Member

    It is inflatable, both of the decks and rubber dinghy.
  3. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    Recommend you do a weight and power study on your li-ion battery and compare to a small gas outboard for weight, power and runtime.
    The gas engine also has the advantage that it can be refueled completely in minutes.
    Also the inflatable deck will be difficult to design to be stiff enough not to be unnerving.
  4. Thunders
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    Thunders Junior Member

    Thank you

    Thank you for your recommendation.
    I can not use outboard gas power, because my original design idea is the electrical inflatable surfboard. And considering the envio
    The Li-ion battery is just under the deck so you can actually put more battery as you want. Each 12V/60Ah battery the weight is 3.4kg, and the motor is 7kg.
    Catamaran design enlarged the space for battery and new spare part to add.

    The man problem is I don't know the diameter of the rubber dinghy.
  5. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    The displacement of a tube is simple to calculate. Water weighs 8.3 lbs per gallon or 62 lbs per cubic foot. Calculate the amount of weight your boat has to support and estimate the weight of the boat itself. If the rider can step to one side that tube has to support that weight. Allow a generous safety margin. It's common for a pontoon boat to use 1/2 of the pontoon volume for safety.

    Regarding the environment, consider how environmentally friendly the li-ion batteries are to produce and replace or recycle and how the power is generated to recharge.
  6. Thunders
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    Thunders Junior Member

    Thank you for your reply:
    You are totally right for the pontoon which is not moving in water.
    When moving, there is power by the water to push up the boat just lake normal powered boat.
    I made the Diameter with 210mm, length:2121mm and the shape as the picture
    show in the attachment.
    powered by one house power electrical motor. I think is enough to get the speed 15km/h.
    I will show you later in for the test.
    Patented please don't use it in commercial purpose. Support for DIY and share your mind

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  7. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    The issue is another; the anti-pollution regulation for navigation on many inland waters allow only electric-powered or wind-powered boats in many areas. So the Life Cycle Assessment which you are mentioning is not part of the equation in that case, making the usage of electric power meaningful.
    Hence, this toy might indeed have it's market, also considering that many people will find much more desirable and pleasant to hear the calm buzz of the electric drive and the sound of flowing water, rather than the roaring noise of the IC motor under their feet and the smell of burned fuel in the air.
  8. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    A seabob powered electric inflatable cat might be cool. Seabob powered cat out to the reef, unbolt the seabob then go diving.

    subir fotos a internet

  9. Thunders
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    Thunders Junior Member

    This on is totally inflatable include Deck and the rubber float

    Thank you! I hope it will come true this summer. Actually I have contacted the spare part supplier and made some model of spare part. The price is reasonable and acceptable compared to the available product in the market. I am just wondering this toy can make you happy....:p:p
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