new design - 25' deep v center console

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by JR-Shine, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. JR-Shine
    Joined: May 2004
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    A few pictures of a new design I will be building (and selling plans/kits)

    24 degree deadrise, max 8.5' beam. Single or twin outboard. Hull construction is sheathed strip composite, wood strip core epoxy/biaxial glass.

    several interesting design features: integrated lifting/running strakes, molded into jig (less fairing), a flat pad on the keel, wide chine flat, option for twin wing tanks or single center tank. A very complete jig system designed for CNC.

    more info on the plans/kits....




  2. PAR
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  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Is there room to fit trim tabs ? It will likely need them, what with the high bows, 24* bottom, and a strong crosswind.
  4. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    I have a partner (NA and engineer) I am working with on this and future designs. :)

    I would not dream of building a boat like this without trim tabs ;)
  5. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    design is complete :) sent jig files to CNC shop this week, signed a lease on a slightly bigger shop to accommodate the build.

    Its just about cooled off enough to get started :) with any luck I hope to have it flipped and be working on the inside before new year, then have inside finished by spring.

    study plans and overview are here -

    Still have not found a supplier for the AWC strips, may need to use a combination of fir (bottom) and red cedar (topsides)
  6. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

  7. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    Getting started on the build.

  8. boatbuilder41
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    boatbuilder41 Senior Member

    im not seeing the flat pad on the keel as you mentioned... i assumed you were talking about a running pad on the bottom of the boat???....
  9. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    It's there, you can see a little of it in the picture - it's cut into to jig. Here is a shot of the bottom. ....

  10. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

  11. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    wood came in, a dozen 2"x6" cedar, 6 1x6 douglas fir and a few sheet of 1/2" Marine fir.

    I am very luck that I have a friend with a cabinet shop, and he is across the parking lot from my shop :) We ripped up the strips in about an hour. Depending on waste, this should be enough material to get me pretty close to having the hull stripped.

    The cedar is just about perfectly clear, there are probably only two or three knots I will need to cut around. *This particular wood if 4s finished, not because I care about it being sanded, but they are better quality boards. We ripped the boards to 5/8" thickness, so I ended up with seven 5/8" x 1.5" strips per board.

    The fir is for the chines mainly.

    Fir plywood is for the keel and the strakes.

    Started building the strakes today, got the first layer on the outside strakes and epoxied on the second layer on the inside strakes. The strakes are 3x1/2 epoxied together. With any luck I will get the strakes just about finished tomorrow along with the keel. *Need to start scarfing together some long strips for the hull







  12. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

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