New Build RIB - going from 9m to 10m w/bracket

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by islandflyer, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. islandflyer
    Joined: Mar 2016
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    islandflyer Junior Member

    Good Day All,

    I am currently operating a Parker 900 Baltic 9m RIB in the Bahamas as an excursion boat. We hold two crew and 12 guests in a seasafari style configuration.

    We are looking to expand, and Parker is still under design of their 12m and not until 2017.

    Right now we are operating comfortably in 2ft and under seas. Our longest run is about 2.5 hours. When we get into the 2-2.5 seas its noticeably uncomfortable and when it gets in the 2.5-3ft range my crew complains loudly (the guests seem to be ok with it, once in a lifetime experience and all).

    We are finalizing the design on a Parker 1000 Baltic, which is the same hull essentially 1m (3' longer). We are going to get rid of the Euro Transom and add a bracket, which should put the engines another 30" or so back. It will be configured for 14 + 2 crew, with a rear seat bench.

    Do you think this will help with our seakeeping/comfort level overall? Do you have any suggestions?

    Thanks for any input!

    Current boat:
  2. islandflyer
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    islandflyer Junior Member

    We like to cruise around 32-34 knots in good weather.

    The current setup has twin 250 Verados and the new one will have twin 350 Verados.
  3. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    So, 17% greater capacity (+2 more on the bench?) of paying customers for maybe 40% greater fuel consumption for the new boat?

    Not to be a wet blanket, but does the larger boats command a higher ticket price or have you had issues turning away customers because you're full up? I'm not dismissing crew comfort or reduced noise levels (engines farther back) at all but how much better is the ride of the 10m boat and would it make sense to wait for the 12m?
  4. islandflyer
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    islandflyer Junior Member

    Yes - we're essentially sold out for the next two months! We would keep the other boat and be able to expand our offerings.

    That's what I'm trying to figure out...

    How much better would the ride be?
    Didn't think of fuel costs...40% more?
  5. islandflyer
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    islandflyer Junior Member

    We currently burn about 32 gph total. I think we can bring this down by switching props to Enertia Eco too.
  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I do hope those seated right forward get a nice discount !
  7. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    I guesstimated fuel usage by increased maximum HP alone. But, if you're going about the same speed rather than going as fast as power permits that would probably be way off.

    As for being sold out, if you're turning them away now I can really see you not waiting. Here's wishing you continued success!

  8. islandflyer
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    islandflyer Junior Member

    Yes, we would be aiming for cruise speed not flat out speed. Hoping to be able to get a bit more speed out of the higher HP engines, even with a bit more fuel cost (saves time in transit, perhaps lose a bit in the MPG but make up in the capacity).
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