New boat MIG675 with revolutionary standalone engine 500 hp

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by luxury_sea, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. luxury_sea
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    luxury_sea New Member

  2. luxury_sea
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    luxury_sea New Member

  3. CDK
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    CDK retired engineer

    From the spammer's sales text:

    Cabin 3 peoples, Sunbath.
    public price 220 000 Euros Inc. VAT with standard equipment* standard engine 350 MAG
    No release of CO2 and particulate matter only of water vapor exiting the exhaust.
    Mercruiser Motorization with adaptation kits 100% hydrogen, no pressure tank, no fire risk, live production during navigation.
    Using seawater as fuel, more laborious passage to the pump and exorbitant.
    An extraordinary sailing pleasure thanks to its hull designed for the seas formed.
    The generator supplying electricity on demand to produce electricity for all ships without batteries by day and night.
    A home automation touchscreen to control all electrical equipment camera, dental forceps, lcd screen, ext ..
    Modification of the vessel to measure the demand.
  4. DennisRB
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    DennisRB Senior Member

    Where do I sign?
  5. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    Is the line forming on you?

    This is almost exactly what I've been looking for.

  6. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    if the price does not torture you, the dental forceps will, especially in a chop.
  7. CDK
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    CDK retired engineer

    The "standalone engine" attracts me like a magnet.
    Better than all those normal boat engines leaning against each other the whole day.
  8. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    And 500 hp from a smallblock which is normally marinized at 250 to 300 hp (WOT, not continuous) on gas...
  9. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    SPAM? is it edible?

    MIG675 is it a new Russian plane?
  10. luxury_sea
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    luxury_sea New Member

    new movie

  11. Lurvio
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    Lurvio Mad scientist

    How about you provide us with more information instead of Youtube-videos? I am sure I'm not the only one interested in how you manage to do what you claim.

  12. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    I would need a clarification on the following equipment descriptions (from your website):
    • Engine: 350 MAG supercharged, hydrogen generator self 500cv.
    • Hydrogen tank engine free agent
    I don't understand the underlined terms. What do they mean?

    Also, the following claim:
    • Using seawater as fuel, more laborious passage to the pump and exorbitant.
    The second part of the above phrase is totally incomprehensible. As for the underlined part, are you saying that your engine/apparatus produces power from seawater only?
  13. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I have had boats that attempted to use water as fuel, when the water trap overfilled with fuel tank condensation, damned things stopped dead every time.
  14. CDK
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    CDK retired engineer

    So you did understand the dental forceps part?

  15. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Ok, I've checked out your site in french, and I believe that you have translated it with Google translator or similar, thus so many incomprehensible phrases.

    From what I could gather from the description in french, these are your key claims (literal translation, my version):
    1. Aluminum vessel with incomparable structural resistance and low-weight
    2. Revolutionary 500 HP autonomous motorization, functioning on hydrogen with directly-fed seawater, managed by high-resistance industrial controller with touch-screen controls for every each equipment
    3. No release of CO2 or particulates from exhaust tubes, just water vapour.
    4. Mercruiser engine modified for functioning on hydrogen
    5. No high-pressure tanks
    6. Direct production (of hydrogen, I guess) during navigation
    7. Use of seawater as fuel
    8. Plus de passage à la pompe laborieux et exorbitant - incomprehensible to my limited knowledge of french language.
    9. An on-demand electric generator allows a 24 hours supply of current for all the boat systems with no use of batteries.
    10. And the last phrase, big and cursive at the bottom of the page:
    11. Autonomous hydrogen motorization with no tanks and no recharging/refilling, no CO2 release, no pumps.
    It would be interesting, at this point, to have more in-depth technical info about these boat specifications, which (the way they are written now) appear to be a hype painted in green for non-technical buyers.
    So, could you please tell us something more about technical aspects of your boat?
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