New 10m Aluminium design Tender

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Tenderline_NL, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Tenderline_NL
    Joined: Oct 2011
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    Tenderline_NL Tenderline Design Boats

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  2. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    I like your design, except for the radar arch. Does it really need one?
    Good job. :)
  3. Tenderline_NL
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    Tenderline_NL Tenderline Design Boats

    No the radar arch is a little bit pain in the @%&#. We are still looking how we can manage to make this item nicer.

    In the Netherlands we need a bimini top wich can be closed so that was the idear behind the beam.
  4. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Just my 2 cents worth, if you don't mind.

    You could, for example, create a fixed framing of this form, which would serve as a support and guide for an electrically rolled/unrolled cloth bimini.
    The cloth could be unrolled from the horizontal bar over the windshield, towards the stern.

    Sorry for a primitive drawing, it's the best I could do in 5 minutes time with just a picture of your boat available.


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  5. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Ya, get rid of the radar arch. It will make launch ,retrieval a nightmare,

    Also, my access to bandwidth is very limited when Im sailing. On your web page I see only three pictures and this vessel simply looks like a sport boat. Perhaps there is more info that I was unable to load.

    If this is indeed the tender then I have suggestions.

    You nearly always embark ,disembark , load and unload gear alongside...your vessel seems to be oriented toward stern wont work.

    Many guests and owners of Superyachts are older. Access and ergonomics for people of limited mobility is critical. Ive carried wheelchairs many times. A proper ladder deployed to enable guests to climb UP to a tall 2 meter high dock is worthwhile

    The ability to embark and disembark passengers on a beach or in an unimproved port area in which the helmsman is concerned about possible stern gear damage means that a proper tender has the ability to go bow on with her stern gear protected..... outboard motor or stern drive. Jets are problematic , many times I navigate in very shallow water to bring or show guest points of special interest. .

    energy absorbing fendering like the wally tender is needed if the vessel will come alongside a yacht.

    Supertenders are rarely stored they are towed. Design details that allow the watchkeepers of the mother ship to do simple tasks like remotely energize lights for night time towing, monitor the tenders alarm system and pump the bilge are worthwhile.

    A solar panel ,mobile or perhaps built into the deck, to recharge batteries for lighting, pump , AIS radio during a long tow is worthwhile.

    Give your tender a big radar image.
  6. Tenderline_NL
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    Tenderline_NL Tenderline Design Boats


    Awsome idear! this is a good thing to work out. Many thanks for your input.
    If we are further we will keep you updated.
  7. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    I'm glad you liked it. Good luck with your project!

  8. Tenderline_NL
    Joined: Oct 2011
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    Tenderline_NL Tenderline Design Boats


    Many thanks for you useful information, we are designing the boat for a client who has specific demands. A lot of your comments does not apply for him. But of we want this boat to become a standard model in our range we will consider all your input.

    Fendering around the boat is something we have to do when we want it to be a tender for a super yacht.

    But a lot of convenient points are difficult to apply without damaging the design of the boat. If you look for example at the Van Dutch boats the do not have a lot of solutions on your comments. But they sell like %@$%
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