
Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by jollyricard, Apr 16, 2011.

  1. jollyricard
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    jollyricard Junior Member

    hi, i am a italian student, where i can find example of nesting(metal boat ) and example of cut sheet metal?
  2. Jack Hickson
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    Jack Hickson New Member

    Danny Green has a good design for one .
  3. jollyricard
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    jollyricard Junior Member

    thank you for answer; Can you suggest me the contact of Mr DANNY GREEN ?
  4. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Are you talking about a "nesting boat" or steel plate piece nesting, i.e. the job of laying out pieces on a standard size plate to minimize wastage. "Cut sheet metal"? Look in any sheet metal shop scrap bin...or are you looking for developed shape layout examples?

    For what it is worth, both those are skills that should be learned by the naval architecture student, though there are now programs that will do those things for you.
  5. jollyricard
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    jollyricard Junior Member

    thank you so much;
    yes I looking for developed shape layout examples;
    I want to understand like a nesting boat must be done in order to minimize wastage. where i can find these examples?
  6. liki
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    liki Senior Member

    It pays to use some time to play Tetris. :) And I am not 100% joking.
  7. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    He is correct
  8. Ufling
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    Ufling Junior Member

  9. Arvy
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    Arvy Senior Member

    @ufling: Not the best nesting tool that italian software, looks as if there is a lot of waste

    I guess a hand nested would have saved you 1 plate :)

    But these are just my 2 cents.

  10. Katoh
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    Katoh Senior Member

    You can use these people, its a free download and service, but if you want the nested files you pay for them. Just upload all your parts in DXF or DWG format quantity and they do the rest.
    Hers a scaled model of a boat I nested by hand in pdf, and a couple of photos of the finished product.

    Attached Files:

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