Nesting canoe

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by EGComposites, Apr 1, 2023.

  1. EGComposites
    Joined: Feb 2023
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    EGComposites Junior Member

    The story goes...
    I had a 14ft square transom canoe mold that I don't use and never intended to as I'm more of a symmetrical canoeist and don't build things that I don't like:D Laid some glass in the bow side 6ft long...twice. wanted to trim them to make myself a light pack canoe, no gelcoat but paint to keep it light, used 2 layers biax glass and just a wee bit of mat. Around 6kg each
    Yesterday was having a beer with a friend and he saw the 2 pieces and asked why I don't make it a 2 part with thick flanges and some bolts.
    I find that to be almost useless since it won't get into my car anyway and I thought...what if i cut the halves in half that would really be something.
    Except thicker flange, a bit of rubber and lots of bolts what are my options? Toggle clamps?
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Does this mean that the canoe would now be in 4 sections, rather than 2?

    If you built it 14' long, and then divided it into 3 sections rather than 4, would these 3 sections then fit in your car?
  3. EGComposites
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    EGComposites Junior Member

    Lengthwise with folded seats yes, but I would be happier with a 12ft in 4 pieces with the biggest piece of 3ft 3" or just a bit under 1m.
    Thought of another option of using some bicycle quick release skewers. They seem to be very strong in bikes.
  4. portacruise
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    portacruise Senior Member

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  5. EGComposites
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    EGComposites Junior Member

    That is kinda straight lines. Not that it matters that much but I like more the tumblehome shape on a canoe.
    Don't know the weight of that but adding some thick laminate bulkheads to my chopped canoe and a bunch of bolts/or maybe bicycle skewers won't add more than 8kg for a 20kg max.
    I wonder if bike release skewers exist in...other shape/length.
    Looked up on the modular pakayak and it uses toggle clamps but that's a kayak, it has a deck not sure how it would work on an open boat like a canoe.

  6. clmanges
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    clmanges Senior Member

    Yes; used sometimes for seatpost clamps, though the bolt length may not be what you need.
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