Nemo-a new foiler and much more

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Check out this video from "Foilers!": Check out those ama's -sorta look a little like the famous "Devils tail" amas..... Not as much to this story as I originally thought. Glad he posted the video to give some idea of what is being developed.....

    Much more on many other projects here-"Foilers" : Great story on the development of Greg Kettermans Trifoiler with lots of pictures, illustrations etc. Great stuff!
  2. Brorsan
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    Brorsan Junior Member

    I checked them both out, why? a special looking sailboat, that is not sailing. no specification, and o top it they have added horrible "music" Why did you post this?
  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    The site where these came from is by a most well respected guy. When I saw the first video I thought the other two would be sailing-I was wrong.
    Nevertheless the "Foilers!" site is a treasure trove of different experiments at different levels of development-I think it is great to see this stuff-no telling what will develop down the line.

    I thought the music was real good!
  4. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    There was another interesting Nemo being built a few years ago, by French student/enthusiasts, around 20 odd metres, but they ran out of money ... but this Nemo looks around 45 x 45 feet, could be 50, hard to tell, long, skinny multihulls and all. Unless they have foils to fit below those devils tail floats, the leeward one is going to bury and cause a nid abeilles (sp) a real nest of angry bees). The windward one is going to fly even though at rest both floats are touching water. Interesting boat. Pity they're not sailing. I'll email Fred to get more information.
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Nemo--and much more

    He doesn't know ,apparently. Some dimensions for Nemo on the site...(1st post)
  6. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    It is the same Nemo, built in wood composites, carbon etc. by L'Ecole-Superieure de Bois a Nantes; Jeane-Philippe Delapierre is the motivator, previously involved with Geronimo, (de Kersausson's large tri), Hydroptere and Playstation. The earlier Nemo version was to measure 28 x 28m, a monster, and very ambitious but somewhere the school changed down a gear. This one is definitely smaller. The original floats, which were completed in wood, and were built first at the school, were very, very fine and were to carry deep angled foils. The changed new floats will carry foils too - which will definitely stop them from burying. The rudder is an inverted T.
  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Gary, thanks for the info-have you seen the main foils? Are they surface piercing?
  8. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    The original drawings had fixed, angled surface piercers with a brace running from the foil/float connection point up at an angle to the main beam. The rudder foil in the Youtube images, looks a bit agricultural. The main foils weren't shown ... guessing they will still be angled; the designer likes sharp edges and the foils will probably echo those angles. But then again, could be IT's. This is definitely an interesting boat ... but I want to see it sailing first. If it's light, (and it looks light) should go well.
  9. ThomD
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    ThomD Senior Member

    Hey Doug, what was that small cat foiler from down under that you posted a clip of about a year ago. Not a very large boat, and with some interesting features even for a non foiler.
  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  11. ThomD
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    ThomD Senior Member

    I think it was from new zealand or Oz. It had a cockpit and cudy, was maybe light blue. Possibly 20-23 feet long. In the video it is being filmed from a boat it is pulling past.
  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    I remember a video from California of a Hobie Trifoiler scooting by some people(incuding Randy Smyth or Reynolds) sailing a good size catamaran in the Pacific on their way to an island like Catalina. I'll try to find it. Don't remember one from NZ or AU-maybe Gary would?

    This is Randy Reynolds in a 33' racing catamaran being passed by a Hobie trifoiler. If this isn't it then I have no clue:
  13. gypsy28
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    gypsy28 Senior Member

    Maybe Thom is referring to Happy Feet from Thailand, with the sliding foil setup ?
  14. ThomD
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  15. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Cool! Happy Feet has a trully unique foil system capable of holding the boat at a more or less preset angle of heel-or allowing it to fully fly. I'm using a similar system(without the athwartship movement) on a small tri.
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