Need your vote to participate the Clipper Race

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Ogrim, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Ogrim
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    Ogrim Junior Member

    Hello everybody =)

    One of my dream would be sail on the forties. I found an opportunity to participate a leg of the Clipper Round The World Yacht race. It's an incredible chance for me to realize a dream. But I need a maximum votes to be selectable by a jury. That's the reason why I ask for your help, by clicking "vote now" on the following link:

    you will received a mail asking for confirmation. It will take 30 sec of your time but can change my life =)

    And if you are the coolest person on the world, you can also share this link with your friends/family/colleague etc... ^^

    Thank you veeeeery muuuch for your participation =D
    1 person likes this.
  2. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Got my vote...go for it !!
  3. Ogrim
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    Ogrim Junior Member

    Soooo nice guy
    Thank you verry much for your help =)
  4. Alex.A
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    Alex.A Senior Member

  5. Ogrim
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    Ogrim Junior Member

    Thank you soo much =)
  6. Alex.A
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    Alex.A Senior Member

    And another 1.
  7. Ogrim
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    Ogrim Junior Member

    Thank you very much guy,

    I still need vote, please take 30 sec to vote =)
    Don't hesitate to use all your available email (presonal, professsional/university ...)
    Thank you very much for your help =D
  8. Ogrim
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    Ogrim Junior Member

    If any other people wants to help me it would be geatful =D
    Thank you very much for your help =)
  9. khaos
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  10. Ogrim
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    Ogrim Junior Member

    Thank you very much =)
    your vote is very helpful for me =)
  11. Corley
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  12. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    This Newfoundlander will be more than happy to cast off your lines and wishes ya the best in the wake of me ancestorial square rigger captain who tasted the salt of the roarin fourties on a few ocassions. Yes me boy go for it ---Jarge
  13. Ogrim
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    Ogrim Junior Member

    Hi everyone,
    I still need your vote for the last rush before the end of the vote time (15th April).
    Please help me to participate this adventure =D
    Thank you very much =)
  14. colfar2
    Joined: Oct 2011
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    colfar2 Junior Member

    you got my vote

  15. schakel
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    schakel environmental project Msc


    You have my vote and the latest article about the new clipper 70's in Yachting World. (They are going to sue me for this.)
    Looks it comes closer to the old VOR 70's. Besides the Kanting keel and a lot other racing features. But still..

    You can add to my reputation as well. Just click on rep.

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