need some clarification to glass some plywood

Discussion in 'Materials' started by swade, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. swade
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    swade Senior Member

    Hi, thanks for the advice all it came out ok for it's intended purpose and my lack of skills. Bit of fairing to do but it came out better than i expected given it was just mdf and i didn't prepare it correctly. I learned a bit from the discussion too.

    I used most of the last of my poly resin. I'm going to look into the epoxy, the work times are so short here in florida even when i cut down on mek to 1% I still barely get more than 15-20m working time, and the smell of course (which i have several types of respirators including supplied air but it's still strong hours afterwards even when the work has been moved outside). I think i'd enjoy it a bit more and could do a better job on these type things if i wasn't so darn rushed.

    This panel was 23x24 or so, by the time i had wetted 1/2 (using chip brush dabbing ) you could tell it was starting to kick, i finished but sometimes if i make a mistake I don't have time to correct it. And i have to rush to get the next layer wetted in and rolled. and i never have time to clean my roller before it i have to disassemble, dremel to clean it 1/2 the time. I guess if i had a walk in freezer that would work too =)

  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Most of the major epoxy formulators will have a super slow hardener for use in the tropics. West System's 207 will give you about a half hour in 95 degree heat, which is pretty darn good. I have a custom formulation that gives me better, more like 45 minutes at 95.
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