need info about Viking 28 sailboat

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Jim Bethea, Dec 4, 2003.

  1. goodwilltoall
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    goodwilltoall Senior Member

    Photo's for a Viking 23 called "Cuttlefish" that was sold by David Jones Yacht Brokerage. Advertisement is still up.

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  2. mkdesign
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    mkdesign Viking 23

    This is now in my possesion

    Cuttlefish is now mine. Purchased in late 2014 from a small boat shop up in Maine. Original owner was from NJ and stayed in his possession until he died, leaving it to an acquaintance (I believe). It was restored by him to a sail-able condition and then donated to the yard. I have been doing my own restore work on her since purchase. Progress & pictures at


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  3. mkdesign
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    mkdesign Viking 23

    Can you post Pictures?

    Hi Dave, I too am trying to dig up as much information on the Viking 23 or 28. It would be great if you could post some pictures of yours. Thanks!!


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  4. mkdesign
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    mkdesign Viking 23

    Would like to see pictures

    Hi Dave,

    If possible, I would love to see pictures of your restoration work. Since I am not to far from you (I am on Long Island) I would be more than willing to come to you to look at photo's. I would love to see your boat and handy work first hand. If the image I attached does not show, I too am an owner of a Viking 23. She was floating this past year and I have my own restoration work to do but she will be able to sail this season (2017). I could use all the help I can get and seeing the restoration work you have done will help me out immensely. Your boat looks beautiful.

    You can see what I am dealing with at

  5. John Tyler Oderkirk
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    John Tyler Oderkirk New Member


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  6. John Tyler Oderkirk
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    John Tyler Oderkirk New Member

    This is a 1960 Sailing USA Viking 28 we purchased at the NYC Boat show showing raised cabin wheelhouse
  7. John Tyler Oderkirk
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    John Tyler Oderkirk New Member

    photo taken 1960

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  8. domagoj
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    domagoj Junior Member

    Hello John!
    Very interesting photo. I've seen several versions of the V28, but I haven't seen this ketch wheelhouse version yet.
  9. Jim Bethea
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    Jim Bethea Junior Member

    [​IMG] V28 068.JPG
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  10. Jim Bethea
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    Jim Bethea Junior Member

    Oops! Wasn't the long stick supposed to be pointing up and the shorter one back? Ha! Anyway, this is how repeatedly I raised the mast on the Viking 28 that started this thread. Note that the galvanized tubing inverted 'V' side-stay pivot points added to each side (bolted to deck chain-plates) must be precisely in line with the tabernacle pivot pin of the mast. A line is led from the spreader-connection of the mast up to the end of the boom and back down through the anchor roller on the bow and on to the manual trailer winch. Easy one-handed turns of the winch slowly raises the mast to vertical until the lower tabernacle pin can be inserted. Remove the two sets of tubing 'v's, connect rigging stays, disconnect boom from special fitting on front of mast and replace it pointing aft (Aha! So that's which way it goes!). Done!
    Jim Bethea
    P.S. Domagoj, I have more photos if you still want some for your websites.
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  11. domagoj
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    domagoj Junior Member

    Jim, very nice boat, and interesting mast raising system. Yes, I would appreciate it if you post more photos. I am in the phase of complete renovation of my boat, with almost no documentation, so everything related to this type of boat is very interesting and useful to me. And of course, it will be interesting to all wooden boats fans here in Croatia.
  12. Jim Bethea
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    Jim Bethea Junior Member

    Thanks to Domagoj for his excellent information about the origin of the Viking 28 (and 23') boats. I've read that archeologists have studied Murter Island, Croatia as a site of the ancient Danau culture, related to the Hebrew tribe of Dan, known to ancient Egyptians and Greeks as 'sea pirates' and traders. The "Vikings" of history continued to use this same hull shape. Swedish and Norwegian friends of mine have exclaimed that my Viking 28 hull is the same as the ones they still use in Scandinavia! By the way, the 'Dan' sailors left their name all over Europe, such as the Don, Danube, Dnieper rivers, Denmark, Donegal, Dublin and many other places. There is even a stone sketch of a Viking hull in Paraguay with an ancient Punic (Iberian/Spain... Eber=Hebrew) inscription. Where else could these hulls have gone?
    Below is a photo of my V28 showing how the mast is raised. (Wait! wasn't the long stick supposed to point upward and the shorter one backward? Ha!) Anyway, note the two triangles of pipe alongside the tabernacle providing side-stay connections exactly in line with the pivot pin in the tabernacle. The boom is mounted to a special fitting on the front of the mast. A line leads over the top of the boom and down to the winch cable. The mast can be raised with an easy, one-handed cranking of the winch until the boom is horizontal over the bow and the second tabernacle pin inserted to secure the rig.
  13. Jim Bethea
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    Jim Bethea Junior Member


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  14. Jim Bethea
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    Jim Bethea Junior Member

    Viking 28 hull
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  15. domagoj
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    domagoj Junior Member

    it looks very good after more than fifty, maybe sixty years. My heart beats every time I see a V28. There are only a few left.
    Thanks for posting these photos.
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