NEED IDEAS For a Multihull Trailerable Workboat

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by gfrankel, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. gfrankel
    Joined: Sep 2013
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    gfrankel New Member

    Our company, Eternal Reefs is in need of ideas for a multihull trailerable workboat to handle our placements in different parts of the eastern and gulf coasts.

    Ideally the boat be 41ft or less and will have a deck load capacity of 15,000lbs with interior working space of 8ft. and be able to work in 3-5 ft seas.

    Any Thoughts? thanks, George
  2. gfrankel
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    gfrankel New Member


    I am not sure what your thought is.
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  4. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    You could contact Chris Tucker Marine Design. They specialize in Aluminium multihull workboats.
  5. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    My thought is that it's pretty cool to incorporate the ashes of a loved one into an artificial reef ball for a lasting living legacy. Well done Eternal Reefs.
    So can the family get to the concrete at a stage for hand prints or if some one knows they're on the way out help make a Reef Ball?


    PS: I've read more & see that's the case
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2013
  6. gfrankel
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    gfrankel New Member

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for taking the time to check out Eternal Reefs. When you see the contribution these reefs make to the marine environment and to future generations you will be amazed. With more than 10,000 fans on Facebook,, we really do have a stroy that resonates. Please share us with your friends and family members.


  7. bruceb
    Joined: Nov 2008
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    bruceb Senior Member

    Hi George

    What diameter are your reef balls? There has to be enough clearance between the hulls for them, and that would determine the overall beam of the cat.
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