Need help with 270 drive

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by vandeusen, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. vandeusen
    Joined: Apr 2015
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    vandeusen Junior Member

    I have a 1985 bayliner ciera 2450 with a Volvo penta aq225d (chevy 350 I guess) anyway it HAD a 280 drive and it was taken off. I have a Volvo 270 drive along with its bell housing. Would the 270 replace the 280 ad if so is there anything special that needs to be done to make it fit?

    ALSO, the motor cranks but wont turn over. It seems like its not getting fire. The carb has been rebuilt and after cranking I almost got it to turn over once and then nothing but cranking. I used the firing order of 18436572 going clockwise. Is that right?

    I am new at this so ANY help will be great. THANK YOU in advance

  2. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Q1. Yes the 270 will bolt up but it is probably off a 4 or 6 cylinder which will mean it has the wrong ratio gearset. If your lucky and it came off an early v8 itwill be ok. Q2. Down load or buy a service manual. We dont know where you started on dissy cap . You could be out 180 deg or by 1 cyl position. Is the accellerator pump squirting. You need to be a bit more specific so people can help you.
  3. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    There's only a few things you need to look for to see if the engine has the potential to start. Start with determining if it is getting spark. Use a spare plug or a plug tester and crank her over. It'll be obvious if she's firing. If the spark looks good, it's a fuel delivery issue. If the spark is weak or not there, your problem is ignition related. Now, you know where to start your focus.
  4. vandeusen
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    vandeusen Junior Member

    thank you

    first I want to say thank you. The drive does not look like a newer on at all.. The picture of what you see is of the drive and as you can see it says 270. It doesn't look like a newer one to me. the bell housing does not look like the one that is on the motor now. The quick difference is that the bell housing has a grease fitting on it and the one that I got with the 270 does not. I guess if we can PLEASE help with one thing at a time as I am a disabled wartime vet that has memory loss but since I cant find anyone anywhere near me to do the job (which I would be more then happy to pay) I have to try to figure this out on my own. ( not to bring the conversation down but I have less then 7 yrs and I want to spend it FISHING)

    anyway here are the 2 pics the 2nd is of the drive area that connects I guess to the bell housing.

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  5. vandeusen
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    vandeusen Junior Member

    I have a mechanic friend who is here now fixing the firing problem. Engine now a issue just the drive and some others but I will ask one at a time.... THANKS
  6. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    You can use the 270 leg. Please read my post before replying. The important thing is to determine the ratio. .......... your friend can soon check this. V8 is around 1.5 to 1. 4 is around 2 or more to one. I have done this before and could not get a prop large enough to make up the difference.
  7. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    You can use your old transom assembly for the 270.
  8. vandeusen
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    vandeusen Junior Member

    my friend says he only knows enough to work on the engine and get her to run again, He is of no help with drive.... So then you are saying the 270 will not work because of the ratio?
  9. vandeusen
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    vandeusen Junior Member

    thank you
  10. vandeusen
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    vandeusen Junior Member

    the transom is the flat part that mounts to the boat which holds the 6 bolts right? so If I can use the old transom then I would take apart the one currently on the 270 and then mount it? The whole issue is because the bearings are shot in the old one which is why he started taking it off. when I look at the back of the boat I can see the old one mounted on the boat along with the shaft in the center. I can upload a pic of that too if you like. thanks
  11. vandeusen
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    vandeusen Junior Member

    does the engine need to come out to do this job or can it be done with engine in place.
  12. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    this test doesn't tell if the leads are correct on the dissy. Always start with the basics .
  13. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Yes upload pics of engine In boat and bellhousing and leg. By the way the correct word is flywheel housing. Boats don't use bellhousings.
  14. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    That 270 transom assembly has a multifit flywheel housing which is normally on v8 engines so I think you have a 270 off a v8.

  15. vandeusen
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    vandeusen Junior Member

    that's good news for the drive. I will upload some pics of the engine compartment in the morning. I really do appreciate the help. Flywheel housing... got it. Do I need to take the engine out to put drive on? and what is the leg? thanks
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