Need help figuring out what this thing is...any help

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Ray Harper, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. Ray Harper
    Joined: Jan 2018
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    Ray Harper New Member

    I am looking to buy this boat, the owner thinks its a texas dory from the 1940's, but, since there is no paperwork, nobody is sure. If anybody knows, and could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Ray
    00G0G_fAyJR5RCQsb_600x450.jpg 00E0E_bBwlkiumb9Z_600x450.jpg 00R0R_7Cz764ePGR_600x450.jpg 00B0B_7cyTnXIL3Rn_600x450.jpg
  2. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Ray, welcome to the forum !

    To me it looks more like a conventional motor dory than a Texas dory, as the latter has a wider stern and more beam I think.

    I've just looked up some ads of this boat, which say (in my own words here) it's wood and 22' long, besides Texas dory the seller also calls it a tug boat, it's 46 years on the hard by now, all fluids were drained at the start of storage, it says the Atomic 4 cyl gas engine was in running order at that time, there's a lead ballast beam under the boat and they say that's worth quite a lot because of the lead's scrap value, there's a brass prop, and it has a forward and reverse, it also says the dual axle trailer is not in good shape since it's from the 1940's just like the boat itself, and they're asking US $ 1,600 for the boat + trailer now, which was previously US $ 2,000. In the two ads I saw there were in total six very small and vague pics, the four here to be seen in post #1, and one even more vague, and one only showing the wheel.

    Some thoughts about this:

    1. - I wonder how water tight the boat is after 46 years on the hard, because of the shrinking and drying out of the wood over that time period.

    2. - Was it stored inside or outside ? If stored outside then it might have been locally rotted away inside because of rain water getting trapped in the boat at times, since tarpaulins sometimes get to leak over a 46 years time period, that is if it was covered at all, all that time. There's fungus and insects that could have been attacking the wood, so best check for that, as there probably wasn't any maintenance at all over all those storage years.

    3. - I wonder how the Atomic 4 cyl gas engine will do now after 46 years being "dry" inside, and I'm also worried about the seals of the gearbox.

    4. - If the lead ballast is a beam, then it's easy to roughly measure it, and to calculate it's volume and weight, and to inquire about it's scrap value, which isn't as much as the seller suggests, I believe.

    5. - I think US $ 1,600 is far to much for this boat, but but I don't know about the regional market in your vicinity.

    Altogether I would think this '78 Beachcraft with a Calkins trailer, but without the inboard engine and the outdrive, asking US $ 400 in N. Spokane, WA would be a better option if just want to go to the water cheap, but note it says the boat needs restoration, so I'm not sure ! Maybe you can puddle around with it after installing an outboard bracket and an outboard motor and closing the hole of the outdrive, but it would be better if others review this idea first.

    If interested in this boat, then best study the pics first, here they are in large: 1, - 2, - 3, - 4, - 5, - 6, - 7, - 8.

    Good luck !
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  3. Ray Harper
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    Ray Harper New Member

    Thanks for the reply!! You, helped a lot, because, honestly, I thought that 1600 was a bit much. I have a boat that I fish with, as well as my other water activities. My interest in the dory, is just as a project. I also, for some reason, think that somebody needs to rescue it. I think that, somebody put a lot of work into building that boat, a long time ago, and to let it rot, well, thats an insult to whomever built that. But, I know the wife will frown upon something that is going to take up the last spot in the garage, especially, if I sink a bunch of money into something that doesnt float. If you were going to make an offer, knowing what you do, and I think its been outside, what would you offer? Thanks, Ray
  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Ray,

    I wouldn't offer any price, but run away from it.

    Good luck !

    P.S. - I've extended my above post a bit on a few details.
  5. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Or at least had to need to see the boat first to say more about it, just maybe it isn't all that bad, since the info I gave is only what I assumed from the ad text, can't tell more from the small and vague pics, of which I don't even know the date they were taken, that could be 10 or 20 years ago, or maybe recent . . ?
  6. Ray Harper
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    Ray Harper New Member

    Thanks, I believe I’m going to pass on the boat. The more I think on it, the more I believe that’s it a nightmare waiting for a home. Thank you very much for your insight
  7. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Think that's the best thing to do in this case Ray, I might as well post the links then, so everyone can form an opinion for themselves about the offered info, and maybe even buy the boat, and/or refute my thoughts about it . . .

    She's offered on: - Shoppok - & - Craigslist - + - the two not yet here posted pics . . . .

    [​IMG] - - - [​IMG]

    The seller* looks to be a small trader, mostly in used cars, and some other equipment, and a few boats...

    * It's often interesting to hit the link ‘‘more ads by this user’’ when interested in any offered commodity.

    While posting I've just noted that about the ‘‘Jet boat’’ it says ‘‘doesn't leak’’ while the ‘‘texas dory wooden tugboat’’ has to do without this nice recommendation, which of course just could be forgotten to mention . . ;)

    Good luck !
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
  8. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Ray,

    Just saw on your profile page the boat is now listed under your current boats, so it seems you bought her, right ?

    ‘‘ Current Boats: 2008 bayliner. 1946 texas dory ’’

    I sure hope she's in a better shape than my assumption from the vague pics and the other ad info.

    Anyway, Godspeed with your new project . . :)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
  9. Ray Harper
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    Ray Harper New Member

    Uhhhh nope. WTH? Thanks for letting me know, but, no, not gonna but it

  10. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Saw that both ads as linked in post #7 are recently updated, the added info says ‘‘ in great shape ’’ which for now of course is only according to the seller's assessment.
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