Need advice on software for hull design(barge style)

Discussion in 'Software' started by chowdan, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Capt. John
    Joined: Jul 2023
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    Capt. John New Member

    for: LOA 150' X 42' Beam Barrel Barge

    Desiring a little help from friends,.. those that have posted above.
    This is my very first post on: Boatdesign I have spent 10,000 plus
    hours in the Marine environment,... yet have never built a barge out
    of LLDPE or HDPE Barrels. Please reach out or call me directly.
    Will be Up Loading project design images shortly. Thanks in advance!
    John Cell: 512-287-1540
  2. Capt. John
    Joined: Jul 2023
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    Capt. John New Member

    Hey friend,

    I'm New to Boatdesign yet have loved your demonstrated insight so thought I'd reach out. I'm needing a little help and apparently you're the man,... there may be a consulting portion coming up (available.) The project is very unique. "A barge platform with an overall length of 150' and 42' Beam. All built using LLDPE / HDPE Barrels. Please reach out to me: Ty John 512-287-1540

  3. tarrybrad
    Joined: Oct 2023
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    tarrybrad New Member

    Hey there, there is lot to learn from you as a newbie here, I am using MultiSurf Software for my boat and seeking advice on What factors like your level of expertise consider, e.g. budget, and specific design requirements? Thanks in advance.
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