Need Advice Flat Bottom Skiff

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by icyAKcy, May 2, 2018.

  1. icyAKcy
    Joined: May 2018
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    icyAKcy New Member

    Hi folks, new guy here. I recently inherited a boat project. It's an 18' x 6' Flat bottom skiff. The original builder intended to use it as a landing craft, though without a drop down bow. It has some heavy framing, but still has considerable torsional flex, i.e.; corner to opposite corner twist. I'm looking for some ideas to mitigate that flex while still keeping an 8' section open for cargo. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
    IMG_0116 2.JPG
  2. RAraujo
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    RAraujo Senior Member - Naval Architect

    From what I can see in the photo the main problem is that the frames have no continuity (the side frames do not end at the bottom frames). This might also create hard spots on the plating (I'm not able to see how the termination of the frames is done).

    If there was continuity adding a few brackets could solve your problem.
  3. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    A deck at the bow and a boxed in seat in the back may be enough.
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    From what I see, the floors are the frames don't tie together, so they're relying on the plate to resist torsional strain. Since plate is pretty flexable, it doesn't have much.

    A few knees and or gussets, spaced equally along the chine will do. This will tie the floors to the frames and stiffen her up considerably. As Gonzo mentioned. a foredeck and thwart will also help, though these too need to be tied to the frames and the floors. In the 8' open area you plan on, these gussets will be the most necessary.
  5. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is why I suggested a box seat. If the width is right it can tie two bottom frames to two side frames

  6. icyAKcy
    Joined: May 2018
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    icyAKcy New Member

    Thank you all for the responses. I suspected the frames were the real problem. I'm not sure why it was built this way. I think I'll try a bow deck, box seat in the stern and gussets in between! Thank you all again!
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