Naval Architecture Postgraduate Studies

Discussion in 'Education' started by malith, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. malith
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    malith Junior Member


    I'm a mechanical engineering graduate interested in naval architecture and ship design. I'm planing my postgraduate studies ( MSc or PHD) relevant to that area. What are the good universities and courses available??

    Thank You
  2. cmckesson
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    cmckesson Naval Architect

  3. u4ea32
    Joined: Nov 2005
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    u4ea32 Senior Member

    If you want to succeed as a yacht designer, there is probably only one that makes sense for you: Westlawn.

    If you want to design sewage treatment plants, gas terminals, breakwaters, oil platforms, or be a small cog in a big machine, then a naval architecture or marine engineering degree will work for you.
  4. cmckesson
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    cmckesson Naval Architect

    Mr. Smyth, a degree in naval architecture will not qualify a student to design sewage treatment plants, a gas terminal, a breakwater, or any other civil engineering project.

    It will, however, qualify you to design the DDG 1000, LCS 2, SEA LION, and other interesting craft. (Sorry for the all-military examples. My own career was centered in Washington.)

    It all depends upon what you want.

    Oh, and: Our tuition is around CAD$ 15000, not counting the paid internship at the end of the course.

    Chris McKesson



  5. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    If you do not live in USA (malith seems to live in Sri Lanka) this statement probably does not make sense for you.
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