Naval Architect Needed (paid?) - I Cut My Houseboat In Half

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Kyle Motiv8Labs, Mar 26, 2024.

  1. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    If you have two NAs with great variation in the calculations; consider letting them reconcile the other.

    Ad Hoc is an excellent NA. Use his wisdom wisely.
  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    In my opinion it is not about reconciling calculations of two different N.A., but the calculations carried out, some of which establish certain loads that should be better justified, do not attempt to solve the problem that the new hull may have. Local charges are studied that would not have to be different from the initial ones. It is true that the union in the joints must be studied but to do so it is necessary to study the tangential, in plane and interlaminar forces, in those areas and provide the solution. The lack of longitudinal strength, if that is the case, must be solved with longitudinal elements that extend at least the central 2/3 of the length. It is not enough to place girders between the new section and the old ones. The transverse bulkhead does not have to influence the "stability of the structure", whatever is meant by that term (torsion?). On the other hand, as has already been indicated previously, the model for the FEA analysis seems to have discontinuities that should be explained and, if they are not explained, eliminated.
    I'm afraid it might be wise to consult a third NA. who, in addition to the structure, could take a look at the stability and buoyancy of the boat.
    Although it is a complex topic, with some foreign terminology for many people, a correct report should have a summary in terms understandable to everyone, explaining what has been done, where the data for the calculations is obtained from, in what methods or formulas are based on calculations, and the explanation of the results and, therefore, of the solutions adopted.

  3. rberrey
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    rberrey Senior Member

    While I have not had to deal with NA,s I did deal with plenty of Engineers . If the work of two Engineers don't mesh , like TANSL said , you need a third one .
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