Naval Architect looking for a job (worldwide)

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Cacciatore, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. Cacciatore
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Location: Italy

    Cacciatore Naval Architect and Marine Engineer

    A highly enthusiastic, hardworking and motivated man with a comprehensive
    understanding of design processes and also manufacturing and construction methods.I am looking for a Job as Naval Architect or Boat Designer.
    Experienced in all the design stages of a product, including research, development and manufacture right through to installation and final commissioning.
    I am expert in 3d Modeling and FEA Analysis I have also a knowledge about planing hull of old offshore / pleasure boat .

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Yours sincerely

  2. Irina lEIMANE
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Irina lEIMANE New Member

    Good day,
    Are you still interested in Naval Architect job?
    We are yacht building company from Riga, Latvia. ( Latitude Yachts
    Urgently looking the Naval Architect , CFD Analyst for the motor yacht project. Requirements: qualification in Ship engineering, experience in yacht building 5 years. We offer a unique career realization opportunity to in the yacht building project,modern working environment, the salary, in accordance with the position and bonuses for the result. Please send the CVs to
  3. Navali
    Joined: Jul 2018
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    Navali Junior Member

    Dear Guglielmo,,

    Please look at my post. If you are still looking for a job, feel free to send you CV to

    Hope hearing from you.

    Kind Regards,

    Sima Baddou
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