Nauticat 515 stability curve

Discussion in 'Stability' started by Bjarne Mikkelsen, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. Bjarne Mikkelsen
    Joined: Jan 2022
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    Bjarne Mikkelsen New Member

    Where to find stability curve for a Nauticat 515 ?
    I also need velocity polar plots - can anyone provide such charts or guide me in the right direction where to find them. Any assistance is highly appreciated.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Bjarne.
    Re a stability curve, have you tried contacting the Builders, to see if they might release information like this to you?

    Why do you need the stability curve and the velocity polar plots - or are these just for your own interest, to better understand your boat?
  3. Bjarne Mikkelsen
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    Bjarne Mikkelsen New Member

    Hi Banjansailor
    The builder Nauticat Yachts OY (in Finland) went down few years ago due to the global financial crisis and their web-site is closed.
    I am currently sailing a Nauticat 32 and looking something bigger and rather keen on the Nauticat 515, but other similar alternatives are in play.
    To compare the various options I would like to study the stability curve and polar plot (I am mechanical engineer an knows well about forces, moments, relative vs absolute wind etc. :)).
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Oh dear, that is sad news re how Nauticat are no longer in business. :(

    The Nauticat 515 is a very fine looking vessel - I saved this side profile drawing from - NAUTICAT 515 Sailboat

    Nauticat 515 side profile.jpeg

    They note that her designer is Kaj Gustafsson who was one of the directors of Nauticat - if you could track him down, he might be able to give you some stability info? Although I had a look on Facebook, and there are a lot of Kaj Gustafsson's on there......
  5. Bjarne Mikkelsen
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    Bjarne Mikkelsen New Member

    Thanks Bajansailor, I will try to locate Kaj Gustafsson.
  6. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

  7. Bjarne Mikkelsen
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    Bjarne Mikkelsen New Member

    Thanks Dolfiman,
    this document contains a lot of good information.
    your effort is highly appreciated.
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