NA or Marine Engineers Quote request

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by jorgepease, May 4, 2018.

  1. jorgepease
    Joined: Feb 2012
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    jorgepease Senior Member

    77 foot Sailing Catamaran.

    This is a small living space, spartan, boat with LONG hulls and doesn't have a vplp budget.

    The scope of project includes:
    Review my design and ascertain that hydrostatics, stability seakeeping etc are ok. Some of the work may overlap that of the engineers. You can also quote the engineering though I have a couple of quotes already. What I don't want is to make them responsible - for example - the boat floating straight and hitting her water lines, figuring out location/height of masts, sail plan- I guess based on whether I want a zippy boat or not, rudder and centerboard locations. I think I am close but need to be sure.

    I will provide the 3D Rhino file and a list of weights along with planned construction details and would like the corrections either made to the rhino file or provided in some other 3D format for the engineers and so that my draftsman can create the CNC files.

    I expect you will like to know if I want an aggressive sail plan or other details and you will have to just ask me because this is my first request for this type of quote and I don't know what information you will need. Feel free to suggest a basic package of services. Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC not required.

    Note: The hull changes, if required, should be made in Rhino in case I need to manipulate non- structural components.

    Interested NA’s may request the 3D drawings by emailing or pm me and leave your email.

    Thank you.
  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I think it is important that you write an SOR as detailed as possible so that technicians can check if your 3D model meets your requirements. Among other things you should specify the regulations, if any, that should apply to the ship.
  3. jorgepease
    Joined: Feb 2012
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    jorgepease Senior Member

    good idea, let me look and see if I find an example of one, thanks

  4. jorgepease
    Joined: Feb 2012
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    jorgepease Senior Member

    Never mind, worked it out. Thanks!
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