Mystery Trailer Sailer from the past

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by s/v JESTER, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. s/v JESTER
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    Any ideas as to what she might be? Seller states; no HIN, no sails for logo ID and 19 feet. Don't think she is an early Sailstar Orion, nor an O'day.

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  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I don't have any idea, sorry, but I do like that impressive sheer line - the cabin blends in to it very nicely.
    I am intrigued by the dinghy style daggerboard sticking up in the bridgedeck abaft the cabin.

    How much are they asking for her?
    Would the trailer along with a mast and rig be included in the price?
    Will Gilmore, BlueBell and Tops like this.
  3. Tops
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    Tops Senior Member

    Very 'swoopy' overall, guessing 1960's?

    Offest companionway, coaming, daggerboard. in cockpit...just need the right old timer to recognize it. :)

    In Minnesota, the red sticker near the bow numbers would have year/make/model.

    Is the boat from Massachusetts? Sometimes the first two letters are not 100% aligned with standard state abbreviations:

    Mass Miss Mich
    MS MI MC
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  4. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    She's modeled after the old centerboard Muscongus Bay sloops. The hull mold might have been splashed from one. Very common way to stay busy in the winters during the 60's was to gear up for fiberglass rather than buy a new boat every few years.

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  5. s/v JESTER
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    *UPDATE* ~ Received additional information ... Boat is a pre-HIN production vessel, hull number was assigned by state. Upon owner's closer inspection, an original Sailstar Boat Company mfg. tag was discovered affixed inside the cabin under multiple layers of paint. Possibly, with careful removal of the reaming paint, the company's assigned hull number might then indicate the exact make/model. Closer inspection of the provided images appear to show wood(?) or ply superstructure. Possibly the cabin/deck configuration was 'custom' and not fiberglass from a mold. SailstarBoatsMfgTagSm.jpg
  6. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

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  7. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    Maybe a Conquest instead of a Corinthian?

    "Originally part of Sailstar line, before the company was purchased by Bristol Yachts.
    Sailstar also offered a keel/centerboard model in this same size range called the CONQUEST, designed by Paul Coble, of which, very few were built."- Sailboatdata

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  8. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

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  9. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Although I think these Sea Sprites have 'long keels', rather than a daggerboard?
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