My thoughts on how to drive yourself crazy choosing a hull design!

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Vulkyn, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. Vulkyn
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    (I am just thinking out load in this thread for a small boat say 6-8 meters in length!!! so feel free to bash away!)

    Unfortunately i am the kind of person that needs to calculate and think before acting, it causes me a lot of headache but its something i have learned to live with.
    Research, reading, screening and choosing is an every day operation for my poor exhausted brain, so choosing a hull that fulfills my needs is a very tricky process (well for a noob like me anyways!!)

    There are so many designs, so many parameters and so many variations its almost endless, add to that the general lack of experience and your hit by a big dilemma...

    So ... how does one decide on which hull design to go with??

    Would i write down all the conditions and parameters my boat will operate in then narrow down the list so that it suits my needs? Or should i not make this such a big fuss and just choose a boat that people are happy with?

    Opinion and preference is a factor as well as triad and tested. But how much does the hull shape effect the boat?
    I know that every parameters, angle, shape will change the boat characteristics and handling, but for a non professional is there a more user friendly process to help you choose?

    ok im going to take a break now my bloody head hurts .... :(
  2. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    So.. welcome to the club :p
  3. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

  4. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Me too........................

    ....because that is not really your decision in this case.

    According to all the info you provided here,
    there are limitations you have to cope with.

    Budget, builders skills, available materials, the cruising region, are some of them.

    Therefore a perfect choice for Teddy might be miles away from a good choice for you.

  5. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Hence the headache part !!!

    Indeed the objective is as i mentioned is just me considering how the selection process proceeds.
    I do have more choices in hull selection and my aim is to learn more about it (I have access to more shipyards and more information, even if its not for my boat which will probably be the shotaeya design).

    The region parameters does cause constraints on hull choice but what about the other variables?
    Let me put it in another way, would the hull in this post be suitable for sea operation ? or would it be impractical?
    As i said these are my thoughts and im trying to put my tired mind at ease and get a better grasp on selection (not designing.)
  6. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Why not? (apart from the outboard mount)

    That boat looks like being capable to stand some seastate.
  7. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Here's what you need to do: Get out on the water on a lot of boats.

    Some here may disagree, but I feel strongly that you need to know exactly what you want before choosing any hull design you are going to build (or have built). It's crazy to go and spend money building a boat if it is not the exact boat you want. You must figure out what you like in a boat (and learn what is most seaworthy for your application) well before you build a boat.

    Later, there is enough time for headaches when you are trying to order the highest quality materials without being ripped off. Trust me, that part is very difficult! :)
  8. dskira

    dskira Previous Member

    Some customers when the boat is done or built, they have some kind of "post partum depression".
    It was so fun to research, buy or built, once on their own at the helm, they feel empty, lost. The fun is over.
    It is the reason why so many shipyard have repeat customer.
    But not all the time of course, less research, gut feeling, a little risky for the wallet, and the go ahead from the wife, is sometime the way to go :)
  9. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Indeed i reckon the thrill of researching, building is as much as using the boat (for some of us anyways).

    Well ... i can always sell my boat (after building it) and start the process all over again :p
    Heck i have to keep badgering Apex !! :D
  10. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    I wish I was one of you! :D

    Unfortunately, I'm more of a boat "user" and enjoy the water more than dealing with suppliers, complicated and inaccurate specifications and technical data and actually building.

    Guess we all build for different reasons. I'm building because I want a very good boat for less than it would cost to buy one (I could never afford to buy one).
  11. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    heheh indeed :)

    Just to give a figure, a local made fiber glass 7 meter boat would cost around 70,000 L.E.
    If i build mine i should be able to get it some where around 30,000 L.E (good build, the cheaper crappier ones would cost me around 23,000 L.E)
    Imported would be close to 150,000 L.E and more. (all prices with engines).

    I discovered the passion for water and fishing only recently. Unfortunately my obsession with boats and boat building is starting to cause problems for me at work, i am definitely in the wrong field !! Now i am blaming my friends who got me into boats in the first place!!!

    I just want to be in a boat and my twisted mind wont let me just buy one (not that i can ever offered it) and just building it wount cut it either, i have to frackin learn every single thing related to the whole project just to put my mind at ease.....
    I'm that crazy .....

    Hence my repeated questions and inquiries .... i remember a game i used to play called eve online. Not only did i just play the game like normal people, i had to develop an excel sheet to calculate cost, build time, how to share profits in operations, how to move stuff etc.....
    So i ended up spending more time making the excel sheet than actually playing the game and the excel sheet just kept getting bigger.
    And from a small sheet to a corporation wide cost calculation method, profit sharing and much much more ....
    I am never satisfied with just doing something, learning why, where, how then doing it is my curse ...

    Meh ... i'm just crazy i guess ....


    Oh on a side note ... lolz on ur sig !!! I didnt think you where the person with that quote in the jokes area !!! :)
  12. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    That makes 2 of us! I have Excel sheets and "decision matrix" sheets for everything I do. I am often subject to paralysis by analysis. I had to picture the entire boat build in intricate detail before I would even begin. I have spent many months preparing and learning.

    Yeah, I like the sig too. My wife can be a really funny girl. She made that one up.
  13. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Well im glad i am not the only person with that condition !! :D

    And yah that's exactly what i have been doing (driving good folks like apex crazy)
  14. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    So my original diagnosis of the mental disorder was quite precise :p

  15. Vulkyn
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Indeed !!! quite an insight you got there ;)

    So ..... back to driving myself crazy ..... lets say im a brand new noob client (well its true) thinking about buying a boat .... and a sales rep (who happens to be honest) wants to help me choose a suitable boat for myself ....

    What would he do ?
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