My russian boat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by colfar5033, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. colfar5033
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    colfar5033 Junior Member

    Morning all

    Started building my kavalier k800 in mid august and so far is going well. Am very much the novice builder but am getting support from the forum and a big thank you to manie b for his help. Am hoping to complete build mid 2011 all going well. Am currently putting in about 10 hours a week but am hoping to step it up to about 20 a week. Will attach photos of build and all coments will be appreciated good or bad:p Am busy with bulkheads and have done 6 of the 15 so far and all going well should have all done by dec 2009.


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  2. masalai
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    masalai masalai

  3. susho
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    susho Composite builder

    I like this design, I'll follow your build :D looking good, are you gonna place the frames on a building jig?

    I like the cat too, been sailing F18 for almost a year, and I love multihulls(well, I also love boats in general...) I would love to see some more sporty plans of a plywood cat.
  4. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Around 4 and a half tonnes for a 40 ft cat with 80sqM of sail area is pretty powerful... Look at the design specifications in the first link of my signature...
  5. Manie B
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  6. colfar5033
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    colfar5033 Junior Member

    my russsian boat

    morning all

    thanks for the encouragement guys and susho it will be
    built on building stocks

  7. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Good luck, or better, have success!

    What do you mean with building stocks, I haveĀ“nt heard that?

  8. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    New K800 launched in Belarus, nice color! Keel and rig are not installed yet, they are just changing place to complete the construction.


  9. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    I love that boat. I have a question on the construction process: when you notch out the bulkheads for the stringers, how do you get the angle in the notch correct for the parts of the hull where the stringers are converging at bow and stern.

    Do you just make a square notch and epoxy it in, or is there an angle specified by the plans for each location?
  10. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Put wooden batten prior to notching, check and mark notch angle, then go ahead.
  11. colfar5033
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    colfar5033 Junior Member


    where can i find more pictures of that yellow boat
  12. colfar5033
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    colfar5033 Junior Member


    this is what i call building stocks see picture

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  13. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Ahh, understand, just your word for a jig. Thanks.
  14. Jenny Giles
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    Jenny Giles Perpetual Student

    Love the raked back look.
    She'll look beautiful at speed!
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  15. colfar5033
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    colfar5033 Junior Member

    morning all

    has been a slow 2 weeks on the build had a bit of flooding at the house as we had some major rains and had to go to sun city over weekend for a 7s
    tournement but am getting some more supplies today and is full steam ahead
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