My new boat!!!!! (84 hallett 20 ft mini daycruiser)

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Fordmugg, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Fordmugg
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    Fordmugg New Member

    I just picked up a 84 hallett 20 ft mini daycruiser. It's a big upgrade going from my 74 kona that had a 115 hp outboard. I took the wake tower off the guy had on there and other than that the boat is really clean inside and out, I can't wait for summer


  2. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    I like halletts. Good score. Better looking without the tower too. You can probably even sell that tower for a few bucks.
  3. Fordmugg
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    Fordmugg New Member

  4. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    why wait for summer? take it out a test run to sort it out, deal with all the issues that come up now, and than you can enjoy it in the summer without having an all day outing cut short because it needed a new fuel filter or similar minor fix.

    Just remember to wear warm clothing! But you are not nearly as cold where you are now than where many of live. In fact our summers are off more cold and damp than your winters, and where I live it is not nearly as bad as places east of me.
  5. Fordmugg
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    Fordmugg New Member

    We are most likely going to take it out this weekend to do basically what you said and being its going to be in the 80's here in Cali it should be a nice day
  6. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    we will look forward to a full report!
  7. Fordmugg
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    Fordmugg New Member

    For sure I can't wait!!!!
  8. Fordmugg
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    Fordmugg New Member

    Well guys took the boat out yesterday with my wife, daughters and a couple of friends and the thing ran awesome. It drove nice started up first time every time, it was a good day I'm really pleased with the boat


  9. Johnbrad

    Johnbrad Previous Member

    I like the bow and seats of the boat!
  10. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    Wow, looks like a great day too. You had the whole beach to yourself, not your typical California boating experience. Where did you take your new boat?

    looks like you did good with the boat purchase.

  11. Fordmugg
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    Fordmugg New Member

    Thanks guys, I took it to a local lake about 10 min from me, it's not the greatest lake but it good for a test run, and the weather was real nice that day about 90
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