My 1958 FeatherCraft

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Eagle127, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. Eagle127
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    Eagle127 M.D. Logan

    Guys, I don't know if I'm in the right place or not. I'm not a boat guy , I'm an Aircraft guy that fell in love with a boat. I'm an F-15 guy that was cruising up the turnpike 7 yrs ago and saw this boat go by. Now, I don't get impressed by boats much except Pt boats and the classic wooden boats. But the lines of this thing blew me away. It just looked right. It took me a long time to find out what it was ,then another 4 yrs to find one. Well now almost 2 yrs later and a lot of work,,,,,,,,,,it's almost done. The interior will be done this weekend. Here is the link. I'm here because You guys seem to be at the top of your game and I don't know crap about boating. Just how to restore this one. It's just an Airplane without wings !!! :) Here is the link.
    I might be way out of my league here. :(
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Welcome to the club , the great shape of the tumblehome on the stern is EYE CANDY.

    I have a 1956 Deluxe Runabout 12.5 ft . with the origonal 30hp Johnson Hurricane , sitting on the origonal GATOR trailer she was delivered with.

    Is a Feather Craft site , you will find loads of info on.

  3. Eagle127
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    Eagle127 M.D. Logan

    Thanks Fred, already a member on Feathercraft buddy. The upholstery was installed today.
  4. charmc
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    charmc Senior Member


    Welcome, and congratulations on a great restoration job!

    I agree with Fred; the lines are excellent, especially the tumblehome aft. Those lines are usually seen on classic wood runabouts that cost as much as a small house.

    Great work; again, congratulations. Based on that job you'll be asked, I'm sure, to give help to new folks. You've proven your skills. :)
  5. Eagle127
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    Eagle127 M.D. Logan

    The interior ended up costing a lot more then we figured. All labor. I'll post some photo's tomorrow. Thanks Charlie.
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Those lines are usually seen on classic wood runabouts that cost as much as a small house.

    MY Classic Deluxe Runabout is for sale (to build the Atkin box boat) price $3000, far far from the cost of a house.

    About a months worth of rent in a NY single room walkup.

    Or as I see it 1/3 a new CPP prop.

  7. moTthediesel
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    moTthediesel Junior Member

    Feathercrafts are THE classic aluminum boats, and that coming from a guy who's Dad sold Cherokee's :D

    I especially like the early '50's models with the rivets the size of small cookies. There were a couple at the big Clayton NY antique boat show last year that were all polished!! You needed to have a welding helmet on to look at them in the sun --

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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    There were a couple at the big Clayton NY antique boat show last year that were all polished!!

    Thats 0ne of the big differences between the antique boat nuts and the "matched Air in the Tires" antique auto collectors.

    The boats can be non standard (polished) and yet retain their value.

  9. Eagle127
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    Eagle127 M.D. Logan

    I do love them polished. However mine was clad from the factory so polishing was out of the question.:p I plan on going to the Clayton boat show.
  10. Eagle127
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    Eagle127 M.D. Logan

    Well guys it's been almost a year since my last post. I have just returned from a Feather Craft meet in Louisville TN. What a beautiful place. Last week I built a cowl from 6061 aluminum and added two solar panels to charge the battery. It works great, puts out 2.6 amps. It took a long time to find the right panels. They look like louvers.


  11. 2farnorth
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    2farnorth Junior Member

    Very nice...... I didnt think you flyboys had it in ya. When I was in the Navy our pilots never came near the water unless they were landing on a carrier. Congratulations on a job well done.
  12. Lt. Holden
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    Lt. Holden Senior Member


    Out f***king standing work! I think you have created a jewel that surpasses her brilliant designer's (any idea who it was?) fondest dream. I think the various small Feather Craft runabouts (Vagabond, Meteor and Rocket iirc) are the most beautiful aluminum boats ever made. My friends and I are into Lone Stars (1962 El Dorado and such) which outperform many modern boats and are extremely durable and well-made, but are down right homely when compared to your 'speckled bellied pup (bellyup in the sunshine)'.

    Lets see her on the water!

    Best Regards (and envy),

  13. Eagle127
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    Eagle127 M.D. Logan

    Thank you 2far and Lt. First off, I'm not a boat guy. I'm an Aircraft mechanic first and an artist second. That's what people tell me. I know nothing about art, but I know what looks cool. I was attracted to the FC for one reason. In any condition it looked cool. I just wanted to expand on the original design. To bring out the best of that design. It took me over two years and is still a work in progress . Did You click on the movie and watch it? Yet I towed this boat over 500 miles this weekend ,thru thunderstorms and grime. Uncovered ,to a Feather Craft meet. Most of the veteran members just walked by it and turned up their noses. Junior members loved it. I guess because it wasn't ORIGINAL ! The problem with this boat was, it could have never been made original . It was in too bad of shape . It was either scrap it or take it beyond the original intent . So this is what I built. Here is a link from beginning to end. Tonight a guy from Brazil stopped by the house to sell a Beemer. As we walked thru the garage ,He freaked out over the boat. How fast, how much is it worth ? I said , I don't know to both questions. He looks at me and says $45,000.00 . I said sure, do You want it ? :p I just love these boats.
  14. Lt. Holden
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    Lt. Holden Senior Member


    Great videos! The aircraft artisan in you shows in your engineering and attention to detail. I am a long time aerospace quality engineer and most of my friends think I am from Mars. I am thinking with the 40 hp Evie (1967 or so?) around 35-40 mph?

    Growing up on Snapper Creek Canal in South Miami, Fla I had a 13' Boston Whaler with a 1967 40 hp Evinrude that I took everywhere (including the Gulfstream); many times since, I have thought : give me a good skiff or runabout, this motor and a petite (but slightly bow-legged woman with a good attitude) and screw the world.

    Best wishes, enjoy your gem and screw the F-Craft purists, they don't know what they are missing!


  15. Eagle127
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    Eagle127 M.D. Logan

    Thanks John, , I see you have the right attitude on life.
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