Muskoka Antique Race Boat Show Video 2010

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by portcarling, Dec 27, 2010.

  1. portcarling
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    portcarling New Member

    Muskoka Lakes Assoc. Bi-annual Antique Boat Show 2010 Video

    Info; The Gentleman's Racer was the Theme of this Years show which featured the Best mahogany wooden race boats in Canada such as Miss Canada III, Palm Beach Days, Pisstd Off, Ditchburn Race Boats, Rainbow 1, Rainbow IX one of the oldest Chris Craft built - 1923, Flying Ebony, BIV, Silver King, Whippet Greavette boats like Shadow, Flash, Blue B, The Jeffrey, Minett built Black Beauty, Ames built Pipe Dream, Purdy built Rascal, Butson Race boat, Miss Elly by Windsor, Miss Canada II, a Riva, some Launches like Flying lady, Lady Jayne, Jolly Roger with the curved glass windscreens, Wilmur II, Aegis VI, Greavette Streamliner. Liberty V12, BPM V12, V8 Chevy Super Charged, Muskoka Sea Flea Club and The Muskoka Antique Outboard motor club.

    I hope you might put up a link to this video.


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