Murray Isles / Chestnut Teal

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by PsiPhi, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. PsiPhi
    Joined: May 2007
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    PsiPhi Newbie

    Has anyone built one of these?
    Does anyone know anyone who has?
    Has anyone even seen one?

    Just been trawling the web for a small catboat and this one seemed the closest to what I think I want - but other than one photograph and two line drawings from the designers now defunct web site, I can't find a single reference to the boat.

    I would be interested to know how close to its specification the finished boat is.

  2. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    This is a very old design - I dont think Murray is interested in 'little boats' any more, so support would be hard to get. He is hard enough to contact for current assignments. Never heard of any actually being built.
  3. PsiPhi
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    PsiPhi Newbie

    OK, thanks for that.
    I'll put the Charles Wittholz back to the top of the list, I guess.
  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

  5. PsiPhi
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    PsiPhi Newbie

    Yes, I had a look there earlier.
    What I was looking for was something a bit shorter and closer to the traditional catboat ratio of 1:2, with a similar look.
    The Chestnut Teal appealed as it has a very shallow draft, only 8 inches.
    The other alternative I was considering was the Bolger Catfish, scale it up to 16ft and add a small cabin. Saw a picture where someone had done that to a Bobcat, it looked good, and it was sailing.
  6. basso
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    basso New Member

    RE Isles Cat Boat

    We think we have one of these. We know our boat Jemima is a Murray Isles designed tasmanian fishing boat. It is 14' long with a gaff rig sail. It was built in 1985 by Nigel Cox in Canberra.

    We have not seen another one like it, it will be at the Narooma Boats afloat, celebration of traditional boats on the 7th and 8th of November 2009

    If you're in the area be sure to say hello

  7. Kristian Bjornstad
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    Kristian Bjornstad New Member

    For the record, I took four years, but was able to complete the Chestnut Teal, Murray Isles design, in about 1999... since then I have enjoyed sailing it immensely! Here are a couple pics from this last summer...
    CarlosK2 and rwatson like this.

  8. germ879
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    germ879 New Member

    It's always nice to hear about people who have taken on challenging projects and completed them successfully. This is a relatively short period of time to build a boat, especially one as complex as the Chestnut Teal.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2023
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