Multihull Capsize Prevention <split>

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by MikeJohns, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. buzzman
    Joined: May 2011
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    buzzman Senior Member

    I think our Treasurer already has a plentiful supply....
  2. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    There is an ancient proverb- " The world isn't short, just short changed."
    To the long tack, cheers!
  3. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Jeff,

    That's why you have to train your own gubs to be faster on the paddle when the other party is using gubs to impersonate whatever they like . . :rolleyes:

    There's now a war between gubs going on . . . . . . :eek:
  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Cav,

    I was not supposed to reveal this, but a first there was a particular gub who decided to impersonate Trump, now other gubs are trying to find out who's gub he really is . . :eek:

    There you have it . . :idea:
  5. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    The plot thickens.....
  6. buzzman
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    buzzman Senior Member

    That's way better than the thick, plotting...... ;)

    Oh. Wait a minute......
  7. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  8. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    I always say, "If the plot can't gel it should at least congeal. "
  9. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Thanks for posting the video Corley - and thanks for the article link HASYB

    I've just read the article PDF as linked by HASYB 279, for me the most astonishing part of the story is the righting of the L 60' x B 40' Tri with a sailing displacement of 10 tons. :eek:

    -quote is from here
    This sounds to me like the righting needed much larger forces than the capsize, which makes it sound like the righting was a lucky thing, but the capsize was a sure thing in the given circumstances . . :confused:
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016

  10. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

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