multi-tool Pocket clip key holder invention for boat

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by myark, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Yesterday I placed my latest patent pending multi-tool invention on a Kick starter project.
    that is suited for a boating key ring holder as well as survival DIY boat repair kit at sea or a survival tool if marooned in a remote region after boat failure.

    Are there any ideas from boat design members that can think of any added features suited for their boating needs ?
  2. Kailani
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    Kailani Senior Member

    A rubberized insert version for boat would keep it from clanking against gelcoat dashboards (or damaging the gelcoat after many rough trips)
  3. myark
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    myark Senior Member

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  4. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Some of the functions of the of the Metperial multi tool pocket clip boat key ring holder

    1 = Spoke wrench .127” USA + 1/8" + 3mm nut sizes + trailer D shackle pin

    2 = Spoke wrench .130” EU + trailer D shackle pin

    3 = Spoke wrench .136” ASIA + trailer D shackle pin

    4 = Ratcheting wrench nut size 1/4" + 1/4" drive hex bits

    5 = Ratcheting wrench nut size 5/16" + 8mm

    6 = Ratcheting wrench nut size 3/8”

    7 = Ratcheting wrench nut size 6mm

    8 = Ratcheting wrench nut size 7mm

    9 = Ratcheting wrench nut size 8mm + 5/16"

    10 = Ratcheting wrench nut size 9mm

    11 = Ratcheting wrench nut size 10mm + 3/8"

    12 = Attachment wrench nut size 5mm + 3/16"

    13 = Attachment wrench nut size 4mm

    14 = Allen key size 4mm

    15 = Allen key size 5mm

    16 = Attachment Allen key size 3mm

    17 = Attachment Allen key size 2.5mm

    18 = Philips screwdriver

    19 = Wood chisel, can lid lever, cutting open packages and paper clippings, can- opener, flat screwdriver, electrical cord cutter, scrapper, chisel to make fine wood shavings to start fire with flint.

    20 = Attachment flat screw driver

    21 = Vehicle seat belt cutter, construction safety harness belt cutter, wire stripper, rope and line cutter, trimming plants flowers and cuttings, cutting cloth "jeans" to make a emergency tourniquet or bandage, slicing cardboard and paper, cutting fine wood shavings to start fire with flint.

    22 = Wire stripper for fine wire cord.

    23 = Hole for split key ring

    24 = Centre punch, window breaker, scriber for fabrication marking, self-defense short sharp shock to distract and escape an intruder.

    25 = Finger nail file, traction for gripping, striker surface for flint to make fire.

    26 = Groves so bottom lever part does not slip of edge of paint can and evenly opens lid so no damage, small rasp and scraper.

    27 = bottle opener, fits on top edge of beer can so chisel part punches a vent hole on top side of can.

    28 = Titanium pocket clip, small leaver, flat screw driver.

    29 = Ruler metric on one side and inches on the other.

    30 = May have assortment of attachments, such ratcheting wrench and ring spanner sizes , screw drivers, allen keys, crow bar for leveraging nails, strap wrench, podgy bar, hammer, cold chisels, wood chisels, chipping hammer, knife blade, saw blades, pulleys, carbineers, cutlery, flint to start fire, sling shot etc.

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  5. Westel
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    Westel Senior Member

    Light, you need some light.
    Dunno if it's technically possible but you should be able to generate some energy in a small battery that would give you light for a few minutes at a time. Something like this:

    A few feet of light weight extension cord with the LED bulb at the end might be handy to let the light shine where it is needed.....

    Just an idea......
  6. Westel
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    Westel Senior Member

    Oops, no picture....

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  7. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    It would be easy enough to make a small attachment with miniature led light and battery as one of the many accessorizes

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  8. Westel
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    Westel Senior Member

    I was more thinking in the line of using the clip for example as a crank for turning a generator that could load the battery.Dont know if such small reloadable batteries and/or generator exist. It would make the light source independable and usable every moment.

    I have more wacky idea's than any nutter can come up with LOL :D:D:D:D
  9. Poida
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    Poida Senior Member

    You are definitely inventive Myark. The Multi Tool good idea but I wouldn't need one.

    When I go out on my boat, I take a tool box with me.

    I assumed that most boaters would. What I use is the plastic box one of my power tools came in, but now you can get excellent tool kits already set in a plastic box.

    So, maybe you should go to some boat ramps and enquire as to how many people going out on a boat, don't have a tool kit with them, the ones that don't may be a prospective purchaser except for the fact that if they are stupid enough not to take some tools with them, they would also not take a multi tool either.

  10. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    I do not agree that ever one carry's a large tool box when boating and that they are fools for not doing so, that's a lot of rust as for example tinny with salt spray every where or a jet ski, or a boat that has capsized and a survival tool is needed on land.
    It would be similar to saying every one that drives a car are stupid for not having a tool box.
    When not boating there have many other uses the multi can be applied because its a EDC.
    I would not go to a boat ramp mucking around with a handful people, in he near future to reach out it would be a boat show, trade show, 4X4 show, outdoor camping and RV shows,DIY home shows, farmers shows for example one in NZ its about 100.000 people at the national field days looking to by a something worth while to purchase and not to bulky to lug around with them like a tool box.
    A while ago I sold 2000 sets of 4 multi wrenches on the side street of Bangkok, I sold a early proto multi wrench 120 sets from 9am till 2am on each Sunday like hot cakes and made after over heads $1000 USD cash in hand.
    Not bad for 5 hours each Sunday in Thailand which is enough to live for a month in Thailand.
    Can you find any better EDC tool on the market or at least one that can match that has a pocket clip and suited as a Key ring holder.

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  11. Westel
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    Westel Senior Member

    The advantage of this thing is that you have it in your pocket all the time because it's a key holder, not a tool box you have to haul around.

    If you wanna use it around better should float because when you drop the tool in the water, you also drop your keys in the water.

    I find it a very neat idea. Small-functional-affordable. Well done !!
  12. lobsterman
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    lobsterman Junior Member

    I just posted this reply to a different thread but it kind of fits in with this one as well ....

    "There are several types +/or classifications of patents, and overall they are pretty easy to get around for most items, by simply changing one small aspect of a previous invention, then file your own claim for a patent with specific claims of how it is different, or how it is an improvement over previous models or versions. (a design patent is the cheapest and easiest to file). But the key is that the patenting process and your legally protected patent pending status for your version of an invention can go on for a very long time, and even if it is eventually denied it can be appealed and resubmitted with corrections or alterations, which restarts the process, and can get you years in the marketplace with your "patent pending" product, without any fear of any patent infringement lawsuits."

    Basically what i am saying is that a patent won't make your product viable, but if it is truly a good product bringing it out into the marketplace and getting sales will. (regardless if a patent ever issues for it or not). Also, don't go pipe dreaming thinking that you will license the patent out and make money, that only happens after the product has proven itself to be a seller in the marketplace.

    Most times patents are not worth the paper that they are printed on, and they are certainly not worth the exorbitant fees that patent lawyers charge to file or apply for them.
  13. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    A deep socket spark plug wrench would be useful. Every time I need one, it's been taken to use somewhere else!
  14. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Its very easy to file a patent online which cost about $100 AUD, I do not like design patents that do not need to be inspected unless challenged and they do not last long also they are really just a shape not taken to seriously.
    How ever a utility patent if the design has good features and unique, it is worth paying the $100 as a small insurance cost if the idea has a market and takes off, then a PCT can be filed within 12 months after the first file date which gives about 30 months time from first file date to choose what county you will place the final patent applications, such as the USA, China, EU, AU, which cost about $3000 for the PCT.
    If the product is making profit then it would wise to pay final patent fees in the country with a good market.

    What is the worth of a patent on its own.

    Its worth monopoly as with out a patent you have absolutely nothing and becomes public property for all the hard work and cost of creating that idea.

    I can sell license to a manufacture or distributer or sell the idea out right if it has patent, even start franchise while patents are pending.

    Lets say some one starts selling the idea because you are in patent pending stage, then let him as he will create a market for you and when patents are finalized then he has to give up all his marketing effort's to you, unless has good reason to challenge, but mean time he has to stop until the patents is made invalid by the IP courts.

    Lest make an example of a trade show selling a product with a patent and some one rocks up and starts selling the same product after copying it.

    The organizers of that tradeshow will boot out the patent infringer, his feet probably will not touch the ground.

    Lets make another example by some one trying to market some on else's patent product.

    Who is going to buy of an infringer as its the internet age and with the press of the button he is exposed as a rip-off, even if he may think he is not infringing which then he will need to challenge the patent in the IP courts and prove he is not infringing to sell that product but mean time he can not sell till proven other wise.

    If there was no such thing as patent then no one would invent if there was no $ rewards such as monopoly or owner ship over a period of time to make it worth the while

  15. lobsterman
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    lobsterman Junior Member

    I have been thru the process, have a patent, and know how it all works. I was just trying give you a bit of a heads up, or a dose of reality, and perhaps save you some time and money, but play it your own way, and best of luck to you.
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