multi-hull smallcraft boat molds for sale

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by BBB, May 3, 2022.

  1. BBB
    Joined: May 2022
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    Location: Costa Mesa, CA

    BBB New Member

    30-year-old custom designed and handcrafted multi-hull boat business assets for sale.

    The "BACK BAY BOATS" fleet was conceptualized, patented, designed and built by Don Rypinski as a functional multi-hull small craft fleet of boats priced at a fraction of the cost of most commercial sailboats and yachts. The entire fleet includes 6 models of multi-hull custom designs: The Trimaran Sailboat, The Catamaran Sailboat, The Rowmaran, The Outrigger Sail and Powerboats as well as the Versacat platform coaching boat. These designs remain ahead of their time, especially regarding their unique furling mechanisms, vertical battans, rotating masts, and their lightweight and portable nature. These are ideal boats for anyone from the beginner to the most seasoned sailing enthusiast.

    All patents, designs, full-scale molds, prototypes and promotional materials included in the sale. Send serious inquiries only to
  2. BBB
    Joined: May 2022
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    BBB New Member

    See below for images of the fleet.

    Attached Files:

  3. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Will you split? Length of versatcat? Location?

    Edit: versacat is a bit small for me, but others may want more details

  4. BBB
    Joined: May 2022
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    Location: Costa Mesa, CA

    BBB New Member

    Hello - yes I'm open to selling individual boat molds- versacat is 14 ft long. Located in Costa Mesa, California.
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