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Moulds for Rotational Moulded Boats

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Manoj Silva, May 8, 2006.

  1. Manoj Silva
    Joined: May 2006
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    Location: Colombo- Sri Lanka

    Manoj Silva Junior Member

    I am from Sri Lanka, Recently we ventured in to manufacturing of PE boats, using our latest rotational moulding machine, :idea:

    We have aqquired a mould to make boats of 6m legthwise and 1.9 m width.
    We are looking for new mould to make
    Kayaks - Length 500 cm, width 55-60 cm
    And boats of around of Length 4.75 m
    Also we want mould to make steering console hulls. I f any of you know 0of a good supplier who can make these mould pass me the contact details.
    Also if any of you know any party who is interested in selling their moulds or utilizing this for productive purpose this in a commercially benfitial way do let me know.

  2. clear water
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    clear water New Member

    email me

    i have interest in discussing your capabilities, experience, history etc.
  3. tighkey
    Joined: May 2006
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    tighkey Junior Member

    Let us know your capability of molding factory


    We are now working on the several designs of roto-molded water crafts.
    Including kayak, canoe, boat, sled.

    Will you let us know your direct contact and we will discuss on this further.


  4. lacasmarine
    Joined: Dec 2006
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    lacasmarine Junior Member

    i have worked with rotocasting and would like to take to you about your mix.
    like what resin or epoxy do you use and what fillers do you use t-light and lime or chopped glass?

  5. gelcoatman
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    gelcoatman Junior Member

    can anyone tell me what rotational molding is?all of my experiance is in the repair field but trying to deside if i want to go to school tobecome a marine architect i am sure some of you will run into some of my other questions on the various threads at boat design.net.This sight is a gold mine for information information is always greatly apreciated.Thanks gel.
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