Moulded Depth Open boats

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Arteaga27, May 7, 2024.

  1. Arteaga27
    Joined: Mar 2024
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    Arteaga27 Junior Member

    I have a question about Moulded Depth .

    Moulded Depth: it refers to the vertical distance measured from the top of the keel to the top of the deck beams at the ship's side.

    I see that both images and definitions are for a boat with an enclosed deck (steel boats).


    for open fiberglass boats, like the picture below, this moulded depth would be taken up to which point, intersection between deck and hull or to the highest deck height? (MD or MD1)?

    upload_2024-5-7_17-22-7.png upload_2024-5-7_17-28-54.png

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  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Are you trying to comply with a regulation? In that case, that should be defined somewhere in the regulation or some appendix to it. If this is a generic definition, then you are out of luck. Defining the keel can provide us with unending long debates. For example, a built up keel may or may not include the keelson depending on who you ask. A monocoque construction, like fiberglass, could be said to not have a keel. It would go on and on.
  3. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The ISO standards for small boats do not define the depth as traditionally done, as shown in the image you have posted, but rather they define the local height of the actual or theoretical side/deck limit.
    On your boat I would take MD2 because it is the possible flooding point.
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