Most handsome runabouts... voice your opinions guys

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Nu2boats, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. Nu2boats
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    Nu2boats New Member

    Im totally new to boats but looking at styles only for me I like: Chris Craft Capri, several of the Rivas, a few Shepherds..

    I also have no idea which makers are most sort after and highly desirable to true boaters .. like to also learn the top brands too

    Any and all help is appreciated..I know nothing about them only what I see n like.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    "Handsome is, as handsome does". Or, in other words, prioritize performance and utility over looks.
  3. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    The best looking runabout is the one, your other half will let you own. This is such a speculative thing, that no answer is practical.
  4. tom28571
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    tom28571 Senior Member

    No even reasonable answer to a question that is totally dependent on taste is possible. Some like boattailed runabouts, some like transom sterns, draketails, round nosed, sharp nosed, plumb bows, sweeping sheer, broken sheer, aft cockpit, forward cockpit, single cockpit, forward inboard, aft inboard, outboard, straight windshield, round windshield, no windshield, stepped hull, all brightwood, some paint, classic style, utility style, tail fins, vertical fin (Cobra), all wood, glass, composite, etc., etc., etc. And so on and so on.
  5. Nu2boats
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    Nu2boats New Member

    Well guys I simply wanted each personal opinion

    I get there are variables, and Im not asking specifics.. just to hear those you like.
    Especially being new to this hobby, I hoped for just simple answers.. year make model?
  6. missinginaction
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    missinginaction Senior Member

    As you can see from the replies you ask a difficult question. That said, I'll give you an answer.
    We owned a 2006 Caravelle 187 LS. This 18' class runabout was well made, very comfortable and user friendly. From about 2004 until 2010 (I believe - check the dates if you're really interested) Caravelles were marketed as 100% wood free. The all composite construction was quite good in my opinion. They were also a bit wider than many boats in this class and rode very well. They offered a walk through transom (not unheard of in an 18, but unusual) and coupled with a swim platform this combination gave you an 18 that felt more like a 20 or 21, especially when at rest.
    We owned this boat for 6 years and it broke my heart to sell it. The reason for the sale was that we own a small cruiser and just weren't using the Caravelle enough to justify tripping over it in the garage all the time. It sold in 36 hours and the guy who bought it got the deal of his life.

    The post from 2015, when we sold her is still up on the Caravelleboat web site. I'll put the link below.

    Look at a LOT of boats before you make any purchasing decisions. Bring some one with you that has mechanical or boating experience as well.

    Lot's of people own boats, but sadly many don't know how to take care of them properly. It's a buyer beware kind of thing.

    Good Luck,

  7. Nu2boats
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    Nu2boats New Member

    Thanks. ..I see what you mean

    The interior is very stylish, I can understand the appeal .
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Picking a "handsome" runabout is a bit like selecting a suitable wife. Lots of choices, plenty of good and bad things to consider and no single one, will have all of the attributes you desire, though most will have many you didn't realize you desire. Google runabouts and look at the images that show up. You'll quickly find it's a wide open and diverse category, with some similarities amongst them all. Once you've refined your idea of "handsome", you can narrow your search to those that fit within, these newly acquired parameters. Otherwise, you'll be basing your life on someone else's idea, of the best wife for you . . .
  9. Nu2boats
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    Nu2boats New Member

    Im only asking your personal style (only) choices

    I know we all have our own tastes, and Im not looking to others to give me my sense of design n style. Seems people are going in more of a widened scope.

    In collector car forums the same questions might be answered ..55 Nomad, 65 Mustang, 31 Duesie Rollston Victoria, 41 Packard Darrin.. Im trying to establish common threads of taste in a hobby Im brand new to..Im not considering anything but fine examples of "style" in old wooden boats.. Just to see whats highly regarded in this hobby.
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    ROGE WAVE Junior Member

  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    A runabout basically requires a seated helm position, usually well forward, you want a soft riding hull, unless it is flat water use.
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