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Morgan 54 (Centerboard) Hull/Deck For Sale

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by eanisswandt, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. eanisswandt
    Joined: Jul 2013
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    Location: Indiana

    eanisswandt New Member

    Being put up for sale:

    A Morgan 54 (centerboard model) hull and flush deck fabricated at

    Morgan Yachts in St. Petersburg, FL back in 1970. The prototype

    Morgan 54 was the ocean racer RAGE designed/built in 1968 by Charley Morgan.

    Specs: http://sailboatdata.com/viewrecord.asp?class_id=2811

    Centerboard hull: draft with board up: 5.67' ...draft with board down: 12.5'

    Ballast......Keel: 17,000 pounds Centerboard: 800 pounds

    Was hauled back to Duluth, MN from the Morgan plant and the hull and deck have been

    in storage since then. The original intent was to create a world class cruising sailboat for a

    life of cruising around the world but that never transpired. Photos from the transporting of the

    hull back in 1971 attached. Updated photos will be available when the storage

    building is taken down in the near future.

    Inquiries/questions: ean@nisswandt.com

    Attached Files:

  2. eanisswandt
    Joined: Jul 2013
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    Location: Indiana

    eanisswandt New Member

    For Sale:
    There are two prices basically.
    Will be willing to sell the hull with centerboard and flush deck alone.
    Taking offers. The price of the hull in scrap value for the lead and bronze is close to $15,000.

    We are also looking to sell it as a package with the rest of the items gathered
    thru the years including:
    Set of masts for Ketch rig custom manufactured by Sound Spars (custom-never used)
    Sail set made up for the rig (custom-never used) thought to be from Cheong Lee Sailmakers.
    Hundested 4 blade Variable pitch propeller unit (new-never used) Purchased directly from Hundested
    Wagner hydraulic steering set up (new-never used)
    Perkins 4-107 diesel engine (1975 new-never used but in running condition)
    Several assorted heavy duty anchors, winches, galley stove.
    Several custom tanks to fit the narrow keel area of the hull.

    For the Boat hull/deck and rest of items listed : $60,000

    Will be gathering photos and model numbers for the items above in the next 2 weeks
    if interested.
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