more tax cuts

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by wardd, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. wardd
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    wardd Senior Member

    The respondents were presented with unlabeled pie charts representing the wealth distributions of the U.S., where the richest 20 percent controlled about 84 percent of wealth, and Sweden, where the top 20 percent only controlled 36 percent of wealth. Without knowing which country they were picking, 92 percent of respondents said they'd rather live in a country with Sweden's wealth distribution.

    As the new Forbes billionaires list, released Wednesday, testifies, the richest Americans are getting richer, even as the country as a whole gets poorer. After 2005 income inequality continued to balloon.
  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
  3. wardd
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    wardd Senior Member

    if the rich didn't grab all the wealth there would be more for the rest to feed themselves
  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Ignorance is bliss, I guess.:(
  5. wardd
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    wardd Senior Member

    if not knowing where the nations wealth is gravitating with ever increasing rapidity is bliss, we have a lot of blissful tea partiers
  6. Jeff
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    <mod note: if this thread has direct relevance to boat design, boatbuilding, or boating in general it will remain open, but if it becomes another political back and forth it will be closed.>
  7. GTO
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    GTO Senior Member

    I wasn't aware that national economies were bounded. For example, the ipod created a whole new industry which created jobs and provided new employment opportunities.

    As far as income inequality goes, well I'm sure I could go down to a local marina, or even the homeless shelter, and have someone draw up some plans for a million dollar yacht for the grand sum of $100. But I think there is a reason people like PAR and Apex1 charge slightly more than that for such designs.

    People that never learn to do more than sweep floors have unrealistic expectations if the believe they should be paid the same as others who have worked hard, continued educating themselves and in general done all they can to improve their lot in life.

    I come from a blue-collar home. When other guys were taking the holidays off, my dad was the first to step up and say "I'll work!" While other families buried themselves in debt with new cars/trucks/boats/homes, my dad kept the old stuff running and rebuilt a 100 year old farmhouse to make it liveable.

    Now, when my dad walks into the bank for a loan, they just ask him how much he wants.

    If those unhappy folks want to live in Sweden, let 'em go! Those of us that stay will be much better off. My opinion. And only comment. :)
  8. wardd
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    wardd Senior Member

    I thought open discussion was for anything, even if not boat related
  9. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    The description reads:
    As long as a thread is somewhat productive and has at least some relevance to boats or boating that's fine. The problem I have with the extremely broad political / economic threads is that the discussion tends not to be productive, it tends to inflame members more than build constructive discussion, and it tends to spill over into all the other discussions relevant to boats which is why we're here. There is so much broad political discussion all over, I would prefer to keep this a place where boat design, boatbuilding, boats, or boating in general are the focus which connect us all, despite our diverse backgrounds, political views, etc.

  10. wardd
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    wardd Senior Member

    in that case I don't mind it's deletion
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