More Information about jobs after Naval Architecture degree

Discussion in 'Education' started by Arton, Jan 14, 2024.

  1. Arton
    Joined: Oct 2023
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    Arton Junior Member

    Hi, I have struggled finding information on getting a job after get naval arch. degree. Where should go - I mean there are some Naval arch. that get a job in Oil rig/Offshore / FPSO. Then, about the firm, what firms work in that field and where should I start to get experience? I don't have a knowledge about finding work. Please someone, I need more advice
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2024
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Which university are you currently attending (I presume in England), and what year are you in now?

    That is the ultimate Catch 22 question that all graduates (who don't have any 'experience') face, as most advertised jobs invariably want the applicant to have 'experience' in the field.
    But there are often jobs advertised for trainees - there are various recruitment agencies in England that advertise naval architecture vacancies - I remember that Matchtech was one of them -
    And also Faststream - Maritime Jobs - Shipping Jobs - Energy Jobs · Faststream Recruitment

    Which branch of naval architecture do you ideally want to get into when you graduate?
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  3. Arton
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    Arton Junior Member

    I am from University Strathclyde and in 2.5 - 3 years and my interesting for branch in naval architecture is hydrodynamic and naval architecture design
    First of all , I would say thank you for answer my question because I just can't get ways to get experiences and after I look the link website from your answer I just can't get idea and look at the chances for fresh graduate should find another ways to get into job. And get stuck at that . Do you have any recomendations or advices for me ? Or maybe you have forum online like social media (i.e facebook , twitter or any) where freshgraduate get closer each other and discuss about the job?
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    There is a Linked In group for graduates of Ship Science at Southampton University - Sign Up | LinkedIn

    Strathclyde might also have a Linked In group?
    if not, I am sure that the Ship Science group would welcome you if you apply to join them, and you could ask some questions there?

    @Ad Hoc of this forum is also a graduate of Ship Science.

    You could also revert to the traditional / old fashioned way of simply sending your CV / resume to companies in the hydrodynamics / ship design field, on the off chance that they might have a vacancy which has not (yet) been advertised on line?
    This is so much easier to do nowadays with email - I must have sent off hundreds of hand written letters with resumes by post in the 80's when I was job hunting.
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  5. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Many companies hire “summer engineers”, undergrad students who want to get a head start in their field.
    If you do well, it’s almost a given that they’ll take you on full time after graduation.
    I’m very surprised that your school is not proactive about hooking up students with jobs.
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  6. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Well there are several issues in this.

    1. Firstly..what are your interests?....
    Having an interest in XX or YY, will lead you down to where you wish to go. Since you wouldn't apply for a job designing supertankers, if you're interest is in CFD of sails!
    Naval Architecture has a very very broad range of topics/subjects that one may wish to embark upon. Thus what are your interests???
    2. The firms you wish to work for, will be linked to the answer to Q.1
    3. In this day and age of Google...if you can't find a company that is in your area of interest, then how do you expect to pass your degree?
    It is simple research, just like anyone else would do, and no different from doing your must go-and-get-it and be proactive and motivated!
    It doesn't land on your lap...

    Your enquiry comes across as someone who is doing a degree in NA, but has not planned much beyond that, and almost as if, it was not your prefer choice of degree and beyond the degree you know little....
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
    bajansailor, Arton and jehardiman like this.

  7. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    2X what he said

    Why are you even making this comment? Was this the closest school to your home? (yes have met those people)
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