modular floating jetties- help required

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by sbh, Dec 27, 2010.

  1. sbh
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    sbh New Member

    I want to purchase a few sq mtrs of Modular floating jetties made of HDPE - I want to take a decision vis-a-vis standard walled floats and interlocking walled floats. For Example the floats promoted by jet dock are standard walled floats- The floats promoted by magic float are interlocking walled floats.
    Magic float claims that their product is the best since it has got interlocking walled floats- Standard walled floats manufacturers claim that the very principle of floating has been compromised in the magic float design- As an example they say that catamarn boats are the fastest because of lower resistance to water- and hence the stability in interlocking floats are affected

    Please help me take a decision- which float would be more stable - Magic float is cheaper

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